Welcome to Cirnopedia, a website that hopes to archive all information
about Cirno, the coolest, strongest and most intelligent fairy in Gensoukyou™.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Flandrepedia. Please call an ambulance before it's too late.
Your safety is not guaranteed when browsing this site, especially during midnight.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to discover and investigate the legality of having a harem in outerspace.
We might also have some info about the game Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a secret research facility under the supervision
of Fenrir Far East Division that aims to create a new world through Nova.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, an infested and corrupted facility under the rule
of our great and profound darkness where we research the cuteness of evil.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to investigate the morality of being faithful to even an eldritch space god.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.


FUN Shop


  • You receive 100 FUN each day just by logging into the game.
  • You receive more FUN by getting a continuous login bonus, but the count resets every 5 days.
  • You receive 10 FUN for each friend partner in your party after you complete a quest. (Maximum of 10 people)
  • You receive 1 FUN everytime another player completes a quest using your partner card.
  • You receive 5 FUN for every Good Job message you send to a player on your friend list. (Maximum of 10 people)
  • You receive 1 FUN everytime you receive a Good Job message from other players.
  • You receive 20 FUN everytime you use a Moon Atomizer to revive incapacitated players.
  • FUN you receive from the methods above will increase by having premium active on your account.
  • You can also use the tickets below to instantly receive large amounts of FUN.
Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
5★ FUN100獲得チケット
FUN 100 Ticket
Interrupt Ranking Reward Use ticket to receive 100 FUN points.
5★ FUN500獲得チケット
FUN 500 Ticket
Campaign Reward Use ticket to receive 500 FUN points.
5★ FUN555獲得チケット
FUN 555 Ticket
Dengeki Magazine
Item Code
Use ticket to receive 555 FUN points.
5★ FUN711獲得チケット
FUN 711 Ticket
7-Eleven Prepaid Card
Bonus Reward
Use ticket to receive 711 FUN points.
5★ FUN1000獲得チケット
FUN 1000 Ticket
Excube Shop Use ticket to receive 1,000 FUN points.
5★ FUN2014獲得チケット
FUN 2014 Ticket
PSO2 Live Broadcast
Item Code
Use ticket to receive 2,014 FUN points.

FUN Shop

Rarity Icon Image Name Cost Information
5★ 強化成功率+10%
Grind Success Rate +10%
2,500 Increase the success rate by 10% when grinding equipments.
5★ 強化リスク軽減(+1)
Grind Risk Reduction (+1)
400 Used when grinding equipments.
Decrease grinding risk by 1.
5★ 強化リスク軽減(+2)
Grind Risk Reduction (+2)
3,500 Used when grinding equipments.
Decrease grinding risk by 1.
5★ 能力追加成功率+10%
Ability Success Rate +10%
2,500 Increase the success rate by 10% when adding abilities.
5★ レアドロップ倍率+50%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +50%
1,500 Increase drop rate of rares by 50%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
5★ レアドロップ倍率+250%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +250%
10,000 Increase drop rate of rares by 250%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
5★ 39「ライトを振る1」
39 「Glowstick Wave 1」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Glowstick Wave 1" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 40「ライトを振る2」
40 「Glowstick Wave 2」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Glowstick Wave 2" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 44「ポーズ7」
44 「Pose 7」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Pose 7" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 45「ポーズ8」
45 「Pose 8」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Pose 8" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 49「アピール」
49 「Appeal」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Appeal" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 61「腕を組む」
61 「Fold Arms」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Fold Arms" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 62「やっほー」
62 「Yoohoo」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Woohoo" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 71「モデル1」
71 「Model 1」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Model 1" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 72「モデル2」
72 「Model 2」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Model 2" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 85「首をかしげる」
85 「Head Tilt」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Head Tilt" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 90「ポーズ10」
90 「Pose 10」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Pose 10" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 91「よりかかる」
91 「Lean」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Lean" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 119「ポーズ11」
119 「Pose 11」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Pose 11" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 120「万歳」
120 「Hurray」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Hurray" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 129「ポーズ12」
129 「Pose 12」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Pose 12" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 139「ポーズ13」
139 「Pose 13」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Pose 13" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 150「ボード赤・青」
150 「Red & Blue Board」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Red & Blue Board" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 151「ボード緑・黄」
151 「Green & Yellow Board」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Green & Yellow Board" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 152「ボード白・黒」
152 「White & Black Board」
2,000 Use this to unlock "White & Black Board" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 157「和服待機」
157 「Kimono Wait」
2,000 Use this to unlock "Kimono Wait" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア深緑
Photon Chair Dark Green
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Dark Green" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア緑
Photon Chair Green
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Green" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア水
Photon Chair Sky Blue
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Sky Blue" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア青
Photon Chair Blue
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Blue" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア紫
Photon Chair Purple
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Purple" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア桃
Photon Chair Pink
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Pink" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア赤
Photon Chair Red
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Red" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア橙
Photon Chair Orange
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Orange" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア黄
Photon Chair Yellow
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Yellow" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ フォトンチェア白
Photon Chair White
2,500 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair White" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
6★ SAプロジェクター
SA Projector
3,000 A projector for My Room. Register symbol arts and project it like painting.
6★ ウェルカムマット
Welcome Mat
5,000 A special mat usually placed at the entrance. This unique and popular mat allows you to set a welcome message which displays when someone steps on it.
6★ メッセージボード
Message Board
3,000 Message board for My Room. A must when you want to receive and send messages to visitors.
6★ トリック・ダーツ
Trick Darts
5,000 A decoration for My Room. It's not actually playable, but simulates the mood of playing darts perfectly.
6★ グッジョブカウンター
Good Job Counter
5,000 A digital signage for My Room. Automatically displays a message to nearby visitors. Can also be used to send you a Good Job.
6★ ウェポンホログラム
Weapon Hologram
3,000 A holographic equipment for My Room. Allows you to display a holographic version of a weapon in your inventory.
6★ ジュークボックス
3,000 An audio equipment for My Room. Allows you to change the BGM of your room with the use of Music Discs.
7★ フォトガチャン
5,000 A vending machine for My Room. Drops prizes ar random which makes is widely popular among children.
7★ ショップカウンター
Shop Counter
5,000 A decoration for My Room. Allows your visitors to directly access your shop from this counter.
2★ ダン・ボウル
Cardboard Box
3,000 A gift box for presents. Widely used for its durability, but being made of cheap materials allows for temporary usage.
5★ PREボックス
3,000 A gift box. A popular gift known for its airtight lock and high durability, which makes it very hard to break.
7★ アニャンフラワ(赤)
Anyan Flower (Red)
3,000 A rare plant decor for My Room. In the wild, if it doesn't rain much, this flower will move and search for water themselves. Capable of performing lobby actions.
7★ アニャンフラワ(黄)
Anyan Flower (Yellow)
3,000 A rare plant decor for My Room. In the wild, if it doesn't rain much, this flower will move and search for water themselves. Capable of performing lobby actions.
6★ イアイマスター
Iai Master
3,000 A gaming equipment for My Room. Swings a sword at high speed. Just how far can you achieve?
6★ アノサイコロ
Ano Saikoro
5,000 A dice for My Room. You can register a message for each result. It's up to you if you want to see the outcome or not.
7★ デジ・イチ
Digi Ichi
5,000 A camera for My Room. Allows you to take screenshots from any angles. Features a timer as well.
6★ クラフトコンソール
Craft Console
2,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. You can access the crafting menu from this console.
6★ クラフトコンソール2
Craft Console 2
2,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. You can access the crafting menu from this console.
6★ クラフトエクスビルダー
Craft Ex Builder
2,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when extending equipments.
6★ クラフトテックビルダー
Craft Tech Builder
2,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when customizing techniques.
6★ クラフト時限ビルダー
Craft Timed Builder
2,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when adding timed abilities by 2%.
6★ クラフトエクスメイカー
Craft Ex Maker
4,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when extending equipments by 1%.
6★ クラフトテックメイカー
Craft Tech Maker
4,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when customizing techniques by 1%.
6★ クラフト時限メイカー
Craft Timed Maker
4,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when adding timed abilities by 1%.
6★ クラフトボード
Craft Board
2,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. You can access the crafting requests menu from this console.
6★ クラフトボード2
Craft Board 2
2,000 Crafting equipment for My Room. You can access the crafting requests menu from this console.
6★ ウェポンホログラムVer2
Weapon Hologram Ver.2
5,000 A holographic equipment for My Room. Allows you to display a holographic replica of your weapon and showcase its details.
6★ 武器迷彩ホログラム
Weapon Camo Hologram
5,000 A holographic equipment for My Room. Allows you to display a holographic version of a weapon camouflage from your inventory.
6★ ソファセット
Sofa Set
3,000 Item set that contains the following:
• Ossoria Sofa
• Partner Sofa
3★ リモデルームS
Remodel Room S
1,500 Remodeling pass for My Room.
Allows you to resize a large room into a smaller one.
5★ リモデルームL
Remodel Room L
1,500 Remodeling pass for My Room.
Allows you to resize a small room into a larger one.
6★ シーナリーパス・森林
Scenery Pass Forest
1,500 Remodeling pass for My Room. Changes the background scenery of My Room into a forest.
6★ シーナリーパス・宇宙
Scenery Pass Space
1,500 Remodeling pass for My Room. Changes the background scenery of My Room into a space port.
6★ シーナリーパス・砂漠
Scenery Pass Desert
1,500 Remodeling pass for My Room. Changes the background scenery of My Room into a desert.
6★ シーナリーパス・凍土
Scenery Pass Tundra
1,500 Remodeling pass for My Room. Changes the background scenery of My Room into a tundra.
6★ シーナリーパス・火山洞窟
Scenery Pass Volcano
1,500 Remodeling pass for My Room. Changes the background scenery of My Room into a volcano.
6★ シーナリーパス・浮遊大陸
Scenery Pass Skyscape
1,500 Remodeling pass for My Room. Changes the background scenery of My Room into the skylands.
6★ シーナリーパス・龍祭壇
Scenery Pass Dragon Sanctum
1,500 Remodeling pass for My Room.
Changes the background scenery of My Room into the sanctum.

1st Anniversary FUN Shop

This shop closed down after the August 7, 2013 maintenance.
Rarity Icon Image Name Cost Information
5★ 追加ロビーアクション39
Extra Lobby Action 39
500 Use this to unlock "Glowstick Wave 1" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
5★ 追加ロビーアクション40
Extra Lobby Action 40
500 Use this to unlock "Glowstick Wave 2" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
6★ グランドピアノ
Grand Piano
1,100 A keyboard instrument for My Room. Playing it causes brilliant music to echo all over the room.
6★ リズムギター
Rhythm Guitar
1,100 A stringed instrument for My Room. A very expensive custom-built guitar that that outputs a heart warming sound.
6★ サイドギター
Side Guitar
900 A stringed instrument for My Room. Its V-shaped body may look like an unusual design, but it is liked by many.
6★ ベース
1,100 A stringed instrument for My Room. A light guitar bought cheap from a Weekly Sale. Comes with its own power supply.
6★ ドラムセット
Drum Set
1,100 A set of percussion instruments for My Room. The high performance and echoing sound of the bass can make anyone shake.
6★ ヴァイオリン
1,100 A stringed instrument for My Room. It can play fascinating music for people to hear.
6★ コントラバス
900 A stringed instrument for My Room. Allows you to play low ranged sound that can shake the hearts of listeners.
6★ フルート
1,100 A wind instrument for My Room. An instrument said to have belonged to a famous musician.
6★ トランペット
900 A wind instrument for My Room. Long before even ARKS was formed, this instrument was used during marches.
6★ ティンパニ
900 A set of percussion instruments for My Room. An easy to play instrument, even for beginners.
6★ トライアングル
900 A percussion instrument for My Room. Although rumored to be a very difficult instrument for beginners, it's still a mystery how hard it really is.
6★ ヴォーカルマイク
Vocal Mic
900 Audio equipment for My Room. Microphone that enhances your voice. You can use it to show off your talent!
6★ シ・キダイ
Shi Kidai
1,100 A conductor's pedestal for My Room. A place to conduct a musical concert. It can also be used to practice your speech.
5★ Xダマー
X Dammer
800 Props to liven the mood of a celebration. Reusable, but there's not much use for it outside of celebrations.
7★ セガロゴ・ライト
Sega Logo Light
800 Interior light for My Room.
Always directing us to infinite enjoyment.
They create life itself!

ARKS Unity Festival FUN Shop

  • You can access this shop by talking to Xie (ARKS Unity Festival).
  • This shop closed down after the March 5, 2014 maintenance.
  • Rarity Icon Image Name Cost Information
    5★ ラッピーチュチュ
    Rappy Tutu
    500 Use this to unlock the "Rappy Tutu" accessory.
    5★ 抱っこラッピー
    Hug Rappy
    500 Use this to unlock the "Hug Rappy" accessory.
    5★ セガサターンマスク
    Sega Saturn Mask
    500 Use this to unlock the "Sega Saturn Mask" accessory.
    5★ ドリームキャストマスク
    Dreamcast Mask
    500 Use this to unlock the "Dreamcast Mask" accessory.
    5★ ホワイトフォックステイル
    White Fox Tail
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "White Fox Tail" accessory.
    5★ 小悪魔ヘッド
    Small Devil Head
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Small Devil Head" accessory.
    5★ バレットベルト
    Bullet Belt
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Bullet Belt" accessory.
    5★ 錠前ネックレス
    Lock Necklace
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Lock Necklace" accessory.
    5★ ブラックテンガロンハット
    Black Ten Gallon Hat
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Black Ten Gallon Hat" accessory.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション01
    Extra Lobby Action 01
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Leave it to me!" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション02
    Extra Lobby Action 02
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Reluctance" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション04
    Extra Lobby Action 04
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Rejoice" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション17
    Extra Lobby Action 17
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Bed 2" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション39
    Extra Lobby Action 39
    500 Use this to unlock "Glowstick Wave 1" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション40
    Extra Lobby Action 40
    500 Use this to unlock "Glowstick Wave 2" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    6★ グランドピアノ
    Grand Piano
    1,100 A keyboard instrument for My Room. Playing it causes brilliant music to echo all over the room.
    6★ リズムギター
    Rhythm Guitar
    1,100 A stringed instrument for My Room. A very expensive custom-built guitar that that outputs a heart warming sound.
    6★ サイドギター
    Side Guitar
    900 A stringed instrument for My Room. Its V-shaped body may look like an unusual design, but it is liked by many.
    6★ ベース
    1,100 A stringed instrument for My Room. A light guitar bought cheap from a Weekly Sale. Comes with its own power supply.
    6★ ドラムセット
    Drum Set
    1,100 A set of percussion instruments for My Room. The high performance and echoing sound of the bass can make anyone shake.
    6★ ヴォーカルマイク
    Vocal Mic
    900 Audio equipment for My Room. Microphone that enhances your voice. You can use it to show off your talent!
    6★ ヴァイオリン
    1,100 A stringed instrument for My Room. It can play fascinating music for people to hear.
    6★ コントラバス
    900 A stringed instrument for My Room. Allows you to play low ranged sound that can shake the hearts of listeners.
    6★ フルート
    1,100 A wind instrument for My Room. An instrument said to have belonged to a famous musician.
    6★ トランペット
    900 A wind instrument for My Room. Long before even ARKS was formed, this instrument was used during marches.
    6★ ティンパニ
    900 A set of percussion instruments for My Room. An easy to play instrument, even for beginners.
    6★ トライアングル
    900 A percussion instrument for My Room. Although rumored to be a very difficult instrument for beginners, it's still a mystery how hard it really is.
    6★ シ・キダイ
    Shi Kidai
    1,100 A conductor's pedestal for My Room. A place to conduct a musical concert. It can also be used to practice your speech.
    5★ Xダマー
    X Dammer
    800 Props to liven the mood of a celebration. Reusable, but there's not much use for it outside of celebrations.
    7★ セガロゴ・ライト
    Sega Logo Light
    800 Interior light for My Room.
    Always directing us to infinite enjoyment.
    They create life itself!

    7-Eleven Oracle Branch

    Rarity Icon Image Name Cost Information
    4★ セブン-イレブン店舗模型
    Seven Eleven Store Model
    711 An object for My Room. An elaborately crafted model of a 7-Eleven store. Diorama for making a store.
    5★ レジ棚
    Register Shelf
    711 A decoration for My Room. Usually located behind the cash register, having a microwave is a great success for business all day and night.
    6★ 中華まん保温器
    Meat Buns Steamer
    711 A decoration for My Room. A steamer with different varieties of meat buns like classic buns, pork buns and pizza buns.
    5★ 冷蔵品棚
    Open Showcase
    711 A decoration for My Room. Holds a variety of goods such as sandwiches, packed meals, and noodles.
    5★ アイス冷蔵庫
    Ice Cream Freezer
    711 A decoration for My Room. A refrigerator with lots of ice cream on display. A necessity during the hot season.
    5★ PSO2ビジュアルマット2
    PSO2 Visual Mat 2
    711 A floor mat for My Room. Make sure not to step on the beautiful illustrations when walking on it.
    6★ レジスター
    711 A decoration for My Room. Allows your visitors to directly access your shop from this counter.
    6★ レジスター
    711 A decoration for My Room. Allows your visitors to directly access your shop from this counter.
    4★ 看板
    711 A decoration for My Room. 7-Eleven signboard to welcome customers at any time.
    4★ おでん
    711 Food equipment for My Room. A delicious hot oden for the cold winter.
    6★ セブンカフェ
    Seven Cafe
    711 Food equipment for My Room. Enjoy the fragrance of coffee unique only to 7-Eleven.
    5★ ドリンク棚
    Drinks Shelf
    711 Decoration for My Room. A shelf for cooling drinks properly aligned to each other.
    5★ カウンター
    711 Decoration for My Room. A counter built with a trashbin.
    5★ PSO2ビジュアルマット
    PSO2 Visual Mat
    711 A floor mat for My Room. Make sure not to step on the beautiful illustrations when walking on it.

    MJ Collaboration

    This shop closed down after the June 11, 2014 maintenance.
    Rarity Icon Image Name Cost Information
    5★ 一万点棒イヤリング
    10,000 Points Stick Earrings
    500 Use this to unlock the "10,000 Points Stick Earrings" accessory.
    5★ 五千点棒イヤリング
    5,000 Points Stick Earrings
    500 Use this to unlock the "5,000 Points Stick Earrings" accessory.
    5★ 千点棒イヤリング
    1,000 Points Stick Earrings
    500 Use this to unlock the "1,000 Points Stick Earrings" accessory.
    5★ 百点棒イヤリング
    100 Points Stick Earrings
    500 Use this to unlock the "100 Points Stick Earrings" accessory.
    5★ さいころイヤリング 紅白
    Dice Earrings Red & White
    500 Use this to unlock the "Dice Earrings Red & White" accessory.
    5★ 東牌&西牌ヘッドアクセ
    East & West Tile Head Accessory
    500 Use this to unlock the "East & West Tile Head Accessory"
    as an accessory at the Makeover Salon.
    5★ 北牌&南牌ヘッドアクセ
    North & South Tile Head Accessory
    500 Use this to unlock the "North & South Tile Head Accessory"
    as an accessory at the Makeover Salon.
    5★ 五萬イヤリング
    Five Man Earrings
    500 Use this to unlock the "Five Man Earrings" accessory.
    5★ 五索イヤリング
    Five Sou Earrings
    500 Use this to unlock the "Five Sou Earrings" accessory.
    5★ 五筒イヤリング
    Five Pin Earrings
    500 Use this to unlock the "Five Pin Earrings" accessory.
    5★ MJ麻雀卓ヘッド
    MJ Mahjong Table Head
    500 Use this to unlock the "MJ Mahjong Table Head" accessory.

    2nd Anniversary FUN Shop

  • You can access this shop by talking to Xie (2nd Anniversary).
  • This shop closed down after the August 27, 2014 maintenance.
  • Rarity Icon Image Name Cost Information
    5★ オニオンヘアー
    Onion Hair
    3,000 Allows you to use the "Onion Hair"
    hairstyle at the Makeover Salon.
    5★ ゆるふわシニヨン
    Light & Fluffy Chignon
    3,000 Allows you to use the "Onion Hair"
    hairstyle at the Makeover Salon.
    5★ ツートーンショートボブ
    Two-toned Short Bob
    3,000 Allows you to use the "Onion Hair"
    hairstyle at the Makeover Salon.
    5★ 頬染め
    3,000 Allows you to use the "Blush"
    makeup at the Makeover Salon.
    5★ ほくろセット
    Facial Mark Set
    3,000 Use this set to receive the following tickets:
    「Beauty Mark A」 「Beauty Mark B」
    「Tragic Mark A」   「Tragic Mark B」
    5★ レッドテンガロンハット
    Red Ten Gallon Hat
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Red Ten Gallon Hat" accessory.
    5★ トゲトゲのリストバンド
    Spiked Wristband
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Spiked Wristband" accessory.
    5★ ドクロネックレス
    Skull Necklace
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Skull Necklace" accessory.
    5★ うさ耳リボンA
    Bunny Ears Ribbon A
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Bunny Ears Ribbon A" accessory.
    5★ チャオのおめん
    Chao Mask
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Chao Mask" accessory.
    5★ 天使の羽
    Angel Wings
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Angel Wings" accessory.
    5★ 天使の輪
    Angel Halo
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Angel Halo" accessory.
    5★ シャト帽子
    Sato Hat
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Sato Hat" accessory.
    5★ 女性[EX]ボイスA01
    Female [EX] Voice A01
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by all females except casts.
    CV: Atsuko Enomoto
    5★ 女性[EX]ボイスA02
    Female [EX] Voice A02
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by all females except casts.
    CV: Haruko Momoi
    5★ 女性[EX]ボイスA03
    Female [EX] Voice A03
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by all females except casts.
    CV: Ichitaro Ai
    5★ 女性[EX]ボイスA04
    Female [EX] Voice A04
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by all females except casts.
    CV: Atsuko Enomoto
    5★ 女性[EX]ボイスA05
    Female [EX] Voice A05
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by all females except casts.
    CV: Haruko Momoi
    5★ 男性[EX]ボイスA01
    Male [EX] Voice A01
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by all males except casts.
    CV: Ichitaro Ai
    5★ 男性[EX]ボイスA02
    Male [EX] Voice A02
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by all males except casts.
    CV: Ichitaro Ai
    5★ 女性C[EX]ボイスA01
    Female C [EX] Voice A01
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by female casts.
    CV: Atsuko Enomoto
    5★ 女性C[EX]ボイスA02
    Female C [EX] Voice A02
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by female casts.
    CV: Haruko Momoi
    5★ 女性C[EX]ボイスA03
    Female C [EX] Voice A03
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by female casts.
    CV: Ichitaro Ai
    5★ 女性C[EX]ボイスA04
    Female C [EX] Voice A04
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by female casts.
    CV: Atsuko Enomoto
    5★ 女性C[EX]ボイスA05
    Female C [EX] Voice A05
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by female casts.
    CV: Haruko Momoi
    5★ 男性C[EX]ボイスA01
    Male C [EX] Voice A01
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by male casts.
    CV: Ichitaro Ai
    5★ 男性C[EX]ボイスA02
    Male C [EX] Voice A02
    1,500 Use this to unlock a new voice option.
    It can be used by male casts.
    CV: Ichitaro Ai
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション13
    Extra Lobby Action 13
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Cry" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション14
    Extra Lobby Action 14
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Ball" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション36
    Extra Lobby Action 36
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Pose 6" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション47
    Extra Lobby Action 47
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Take Picture" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 追加ロビーアクション67
    Extra Lobby Action 67
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Kick" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    7★ 進化デバイス/緑ぷよ
    Evolution Device / Green Puyo
    3,000 Requires a Lv.100 mag or above to use.
    Evolves your mag into a Green Puyo.
    7★ *ソニックナックル
    *Sonic Knuckles
    3,000 Knuckle-type weapon camouflage that allows you to attack as fast as the speed of sound. Knock the enemy down with blinding speed.
    7★ *メリーバー
    *Merry Bar
    3,000 Twin Machinegun-type weapon camouflage based on a variety of firecrackers. It has enough firepower to shoot brightly colored sparks.
    3★ SONIC HEROES 1,500 A music disc for your jukebox.
    3★ THIS IS MY HAPPINESS 1,500 A music disc for your jukebox.
    3★ Escape From The City 1,500 A music disc for your jukebox.
    SG #01 "Escape From The City"
    3★ VAL1 メインテーマ
    VAL1 Main Theme
    1,500 A music disc for your jukebox.
    VAL1 #01 "VAL1 Main Theme"
    3★ SeventH-HeaveN 1,500 A music disc for your jukebox.
    7DR #01 "SeventH-HeaveN"
    3★ HeavenZ-ArmZ 1,500 A music disc for your jukebox.
    7DR #02 "HeavenZ-ArmZ"
    3★ 20thAnniversaryFEVER!! 1,500 A music disc for your jukebox.
    PYO #01 "20th Anniversary FEVER!!"
    3★ 時空を超えて久しぶり!
    Jikuu wo Koe te Hisashiburi!
    1,500 A music disc for your jukebox.
    PYO #02 "Jikuu wo Koe te Hisashiburi!"

    ARKS Unity Festival 2015 FUN Shop

  • You can access this shop by talking to Xie (ARKS Unity Festival 2015).
  • This shop will close down after the March 11, 2015 maintenance.
  • Rarity Icon Image Name Cost Information
    7★ *アポトーシス
    2,000 Sword-type weapon camouflage that specializes in slashing. It is rumored to lead its wielder down the
    path of self-destruction.
    7★ *ジークムント
    2,000 Partizan-type weapon camouflage known as the Flame Lance which holds the power to repel dark forces. Despite its intelligent appearance, it's actually very powerful.
    7★ *マジカルトランプ
    *Magical Trump
    2,000 Talis-type weapon camouflage accidentally created while making a magical tool. The power of photons will make them bigger!
    7★ *チェインドワイヤー
    *Chained Wire
    2,000 Wired Lance-type weapon camouflage excavated from the ruins of a certain planet. Devours any flesh that it tears apart or any ounce of blood it scatters.
    7★ *アートルム
    2,000 Double Saber-type weapon camouflage with a modified photon output. Ignores the wielder and outputs strong photon energy, like it has gone berserk.
    7★ *メイ・プルクラ
    *Mae Pulchra
    2,000 Rod-type weapon camouflage formerly wielded by an ARKS veteran with countless victories. Its pink petals along with the jade ornaments makes it look elegantly pure.
    7★ *セブンリリーパ
    *Seven Lillipa
    2,000 Weapon camouflage for ARKS members who can't let go of Lillipans. It's commonly used in combat, but can also be used as a hug pillow when sleeping.
    7★ *ハニュエーラー
    2,000 Weapon camouflage for based on a female newman hunter. In addition, it can also be used for combat purposes.
    7★ *フォニュエーラー
    2,000 Weapon camouflage for based on a female newman force. Its usage highly depends on the good intent of the user.
    5★ スタビライザー
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Stabilizer" accessory.
    5★ ワイルドテンガロン
    Wild Ten Gallon
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Wild Ten Gallon" accessory.
    5★ ブラックテンガロンハット
    Black Ten Gallon Hat
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Black Ten Gallon Hat" accessory.
    5★ ハーフマスク
    Half Mask
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Half Mask" accessory.
    5★ 錠前ネックレス
    Lock Necklace
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Lock Necklace" accessory.
    5★ うさ耳リボンB
    Bunny Ears Ribbon B
    3,000 Use this to unlock the "Bunny Ears Ribbon B" accessory.
    5★ 17「ベッド2」
    17 「Bed 2」
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Bed 2" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 66「待機中」
    66 「Waiting」
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Waiting" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 73「ワザ」
    73 「Waza」
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Waza" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ 74「エネミー1」
    74 「Enemy 1」
    6,000 Use this to unlock "Enemy 1" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    5★ フォトンチェア・ラッピー
    Photon Chair Rappy
    2,000 Use this to unlock "Photon Chair Rappy" lobby action for use by all characters on your account.
    7★ ドリームアークスポスター
    Dream ARKS Poster
    5,000 Wall decoration for My Room.
    A poster of Zeno, Echo and Afin.
    6★ アクアボックス
    Aqua Box
    5,000 A futuristic aquarium for My Room. Allows you to observe fishes as they swim.
    6★ ヒットアンドブロウ
    Hit and Blow
    1,500 A gaming equipment for My Room.
    6★ ドゥドゥ・サンドバッグ
    Dudu Sandbag
    1,500 Punch it and you'll never have a +10 ever again.
    3★ VD「人選ミス」
    VD "Jinsen Miss"
    5,000 A music disc for your jukebox.
    PSO2VD #01 "VD Jinsen Miss"
    Character Election Mistake
    3★ VD「一位の価値は」
    VD "Ichii no Kachi Wa"
    1,500 A music disc for your jukebox.
    PSO2VD #02 "VD Ichii no Kachi Wa"
    Price of Being First Place

    Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
    Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.