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Grind Attribute


  • Only weapons can be grinded with attributes. Units cannot as they only have attribute resistance.
  • The item must have an attribute before you can grind it. Items with no attribute cannot be grinded but can still be used as materials.
  • The current maximum attibute value is 50%. At this point, you can still change the attibute of an item if you have the necessary items.
  • Grinding attributes never fails but requires synthesizers equal to the total number of stars of all the items multiplied by 150%.
  • To grind the attribute of a weapon, you must have another weapon with the same rarity and weapon-type as the base.
  • When changing attributes, it is still recommended to use materials with the same attribute as the base and not the result.
  • Related Items

    Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
    6★ シンセサイザー
    Common Drop Materials for synthesizing attributes.
    5★ 属性強化+5%
    Attribute Enhance +5%
    AC Scratch Adds an additional +5 to the total value when
    synthesizing attributes.
    5★ 属性強化+10%
    Attribute Enhance +10%
    1st Anniversary
    AC Scratch
    Adds an additional +10 to the total value when
    synthesizing attributes.
    5★ 属性変化(炎属性)
    Attribute Change (Fire)
    AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Fire when
    synthesizing attributes.
    5★ 属性変化(氷属性)
    Attribute Change (Ice)
    AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Ice when
    synthesizing attributes.
    5★ 属性変化(雷属性)
    Attribute Change (Lightning)
    AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Lightning when
    synthesizing attributes.
    5★ 属性変化(風属性)
    Attribute Change (Wind)
    AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Wind when
    synthesizing attributes.
    5★ 属性変化(光属性)
    Attribute Change (Light)
    AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Light when
    synthesizing attributes.
    5★ 属性変化(闇属性)
    Attribute Change (Dark)
    AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Dark when
    synthesizing attributes.

    Grind Attribute

    Same Rarity Only
    Details Base Material Result
    Increase will always be +1 even
    if you use the same attribute.
    10★ Flamme Brand 30 10★ Ruin Gloam 30 10★ Flamme Brand 31
    10★ Flamme Brand 30 10★ Kagudachi 30 10★ Flamme Brand 31
    10★ Flamme Brand 30 10★ Coat Edge D 25 10★ Flamme Brand 31
    Same Name Only
    Details Base Material Result
    Increase will always be +10 even
    if you use high attribute materials.
    10★ Flamme Brand 20 10★ Flamme Brand 20 10★ Flamme Brand 30
    10★ Flamme Brand 20 10★ Flamme Brand 30 10★ Flamme Brand 30
    10★ Flamme Brand 20 10★ Flamme Brand 35 10★ Flamme Brand 30
    Same Name and Attribute
    Details Base Material Result
    The total value of the material's
    attribute will be added to the base.
    10★ Flamme Brand 20 10★ Flamme Brand 20 10★ Flamme Brand 40
    10★ Flamme Brand 20 10★ Flamme Brand 25 10★ Flamme Brand 45
    10★ Flamme Brand 20 10★ Flamme Brand 30 10★ Flamme Brand 50

    Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
    Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.