Welcome to Cirnopedia, a website that hopes to archive all information
about Cirno, the coolest, strongest and most intelligent fairy in Gensoukyou™.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to discover and investigate the legality of having a harem in outerspace.
We might also have some info about the game Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a secret research facility under the supervision
of Fenrir Far East Division that aims to create a new world through Nova.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, an infested and corrupted facility under the rule
of our great and profound darkness where we research the cuteness of evil.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to investigate the morality of being faithful to even an eldritch space god.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.


Client Orders


Client Client Name Location Gender Race Position Character Voice Costume Information
East Quest Counter
(Gate Area)
Female Human Admin Midori Yuki Navigator Dress Issues important orders that unlock certain features of the game.
Order Name Requirements Objective Reward Comments
Mag License Application
(Item Delivery Order)
Reach Lv.5 Deliver [フォンガルフの頭角] x1
※ Drops from Fangulf.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 5,000
Unlocks Mag Menu.
This order can only be completed once.
Weapon Palette Expansion I
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Subdue Caterdra'nDeliver [キャタドランの水晶] x3
※ Drops from Caterdra'n.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Weapon Palette Exp. License I
Additional 3 Weapon Palettes.
This order can only be completed once.
Sub Palette Expansion I
(Item Delivery Order)
Reach Lv.20 Deliver [スパルダンAのパーツa] x10
※ Drops from Spardan A.
Meseta: 1,000
Experience: 0
Sub Palette Expansion License
Additional 2 Sub Palettes.
This order can only be completed once.
Difficulty Unlock I
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Reach Lv.17 Defeat [Rockbear] x1
Defeat [Caterdra'n] x1
Defeat [Gwanahda] x1
Meseta: 4,000
Experience: 0
H Acceptance License
Unlocks Hard difficulty.
This order can only be completed once.
Difficulty Unlock II
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Reach Lv.37 Defeat [Snow Banther] x1
Defeat [Big Vardha] x1
Defeat [Quartz Dragon] x1
※ Enemies must be Lv.31+.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
VH Acceptance License
Unlocks Very Hard difficulty.
This order can only be completed once.
Subclass License Application
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Reach Lv.20 Defeat [Garongo] x12
Defeat [Fordoran] x12
Defeat [Gilnas] x5
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Subclass License
Unlocks the use of [Subclass]
This order can only be completed once.
Level Cap Trial I
(Item Delivery Order)
Reach Lv.25 Deliver [ナベリウス観測素子b] x10
Deliver [アムドゥスキア観測素子b] x10
Deliver [リリーパ観測素子b] x10
※ Items drop from Lv.21+ Natives,
Dragonkin, Mech enemies repectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Level Cap License I
Increase Level Cap to 40.
This order can only be completed once.
Level Cap Trial II
(Item Delivery Order)
Reach Lv.35 Deliver [ナベリウス観測素子d] x20
Deliver [アムドゥスキア観測素子d] x20
Deliver [リリーパ観測素子d] x20
※ Items drop from Lv.31+ Natives,
Dragonkin, Mech enemies repectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Level Cap License II
Increase Level Cap to 50+.
This order can only be completed once.
Support Partner Seminar
(Quest Completion Order)
Reach Lv.20 Receive training from Astarte.
※ Talk to Astarte then proceed to the Makeover Salon and create a Support Partner.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 5,000
Partner Console
This order can only be completed once.
Exploration Request I
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Free Exploration: ForestComplete [Forest Exploration] x1
※ Clear in 25 minutes.
Meseta: 500
Experience: 12,000
Volcanic Cave Exploration License
Unlocks [Dragonkin Ecological Survey
This order can only be completed once.
Exploration Request II
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Free Exploration: ForestComplete [V. Cave Exploration] x1
※ Clear in 35 minutes.
Meseta: 700
Experience: 15,000
Desert Exploration License
Unlocks [Mech Power Survey: Desert
This order can only be completed once.
Exploration Request III
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Free Exploration: DesertComplete [Desert Exploration] x1
※ Clear on Hard, in 40 minutes.
Meseta: 800
Experience: 15,000
Tundra Exploration License
Unlocks [Tundra Regional Survey
This order can only be completed once.
Exploration Request IV
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Free Exploration: TundraComplete [Tundra Exploration] x1
※ Clear on Hard, in 45 minutes.
Meseta: 1,000
Experience: 15,000
Tunnels Exploration License
Unlocks [Mech Power Survey: Tunnels
This order can only be completed once.
Exploration Request V
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Free Exploration: S. TunnelsComplete [Sub. Tunnels Exploration] x1
※ Clear on Hard, in 45 minutes.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 15,000
Skyscape Exploration License
Unlocks [Berserk Dragon Suppression
This order can only be completed once.
Exploration Request VI
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Free Exploration: SkyscapeComplete [Skyscape Exploration] x1
※ Clear, in 45 minutes.
Meseta: 2,000
Experience: 15,000
Ruins Exploration License
Unlocks [Ruins Infestation Survey
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Forest
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Nab Rappy CaptureComplete [Dagan Extermination: Forest] x1
※ Clear in 20 minutes.
Complete [Nab Rappy Capture] x1
※ Clear in 20 minutes.
Deliver [ナベリウス観測素子a] x2
※ Data drops from Native enemies.
Meseta: 1,000
Experience: 10,000
Free Exploration License: Forest
Unlocks [Forest Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: V. Cave
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Dragonkin Ecological SurveyComplete [Kartargot Extermination] x1
※ Clear in 20 minutes.
Complete [Subdue Caterdra'n] x1
※ Clear in 25 minutes.
Deliver [アムドゥスキア観測素子a] x2
※ Data drops from Dragonkin enemies.
Meseta: 1,100
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Volcanic Caves
Unlocks [V. Cave Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Desert
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Mech Power Survey: DesertComplete [Rare Ore Mining] x1
※ Clear in 18 minutes.
Complete [Cargo Recovery: Desert] x1
※ Clear in 15 minutes.
Deliver [リリーパ観測素子a] x2
※ Data drops from Mech enemies.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Desert
Unlocks [Desert Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Tundra
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Tundra Regional SurveyComplete [ARKS Search: Tundra] x1
※ Clear in 18 minutes.
Complete [Subdue De Malmoth] x1
※ Clear in 22 minutes.
Deliver [ナベリウス観測素子c] x2
※ Data drops from Lv.31+ Native enemies.
Meseta: 1,400
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Tundra
Unlocks [Tundra Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: S. Tunnels
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Mech Power Survey: TunnelsComplete [Distress Signal Investigation] x1
※ Clear in 18 minutes.
Complete [Transformer Takedown] x1
※ Clear in 22 minutes.
Deliver [リリーパ観測素子c] x2
※ Data drops from Lv.31+ Mech enemies.
Meseta: 1,500
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: S. Tunnels
Unlocks [Sub. Tunnels Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Skyscape
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Berserk Dragon SuppressionComplete [Specimen Collection: Skyscape] x1
※ Clear in 20 minutes.
Complete [Subdue Caterdra'nsa] x1
※ Clear in 24 minutes.
Deliver [アムドゥスキア観測素子c] x2
※ Data drops from Lv.34+ Dragonkin enemies.
Meseta: 1,600
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Skyscape
Unlocks [Skyscape Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Ruins
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Ruins Infestation SurveyComplete [Polluter Destruction] x1
※ Clear in 25 minutes.
Complete [Wolgahda Extermination] x1
※ Clear in 30 minutes.
Deliver [ナベリウス観測素子e] x 2
※ Data drops from Lv.28+ Darker enemies.
Meseta: 2,500
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Ruins
Unlocks [Ruins Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Sanctum
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Sanctum SuppressionComplete [Subdue Sol Dirandal] x1
※ Clear in 25 minutes.
Complete [Subdue Goronzoran] x1
※ Clear in 35 minutes.
Deliver [アムドゥスキア観測素子e] x 2
※ Data drops from Lv.28+ Dragonkin enemies.
Meseta: 3,000
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Sanctum
Unlocks [Sanctum Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Coast
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Coastal Ecological SurveyComplete [Coastal Conservation] x1
Complete [Subdue Org Blan] x1
Deliver [ウォパル観測素子a] x 2
※ Clear both in under 30 minutes.
Data drops from Oceanid enemies.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Coast
Unlocks [Coast Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Quarry
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Mech Power Survey: QuarryComplete [Lillipan Colony Defense] x1
Complete [Mobile Fortress Destruction] x1
Deliver [リリーパ観測素子e] x 2
※ Clear both in under 30 minutes.
Data drops from Mech enemies.
Meseta: 3,500
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Quarry
Unlocks [Quarry Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Seabed
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Seabed Ecological SurveyComplete [Vopar Rescue Team] x1
Complete [Subdue Decol Malluda] x1
Deliver [ウォパル観測素子b] x 2
※ Clear both in under 30 minutes.
Data drops from Oceanid enemies.
Meseta: 3,500
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Seabed
Unlocks [Seabed Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Shironia
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Kuronite SuppressionComplete [Anjhadu-lili Demolition] x1
Deliver [ハルコタン観測素子a] x 2
※ Clear in under 30 minutes.
Data drops from Kuronite enemies.
Meseta: 3,500
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Shironia
Unlocks [Shironia Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
Free Exploration: Facility
(Item Delivery Order)
Complete [Facility Ecological SurveyComplete [Subdue Rheo Madullard] x1
Deliver [ウォパル観測素子c] x 2
※ Clear both in under 30 minutes.
Data drops from Oceanid enemies.
Meseta: 3,500
Experience: 15,000
Free Exploration License: Facility
Unlocks [Facility Exploration
This order can only be completed once.
New Mission Simulation: Forest
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Reach Lv.45 Defeat [Oodan] x1
※ Special Survey: Forest only
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Photon Crystal
This order can only be completed once.
10 Advance Capsules a are given once per account, upon acceptance.
New Mission Simulation: V. Cave
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [New Mission Simulation: Forest
Defeat [Digg] x1
※ Special Survey: V. Cave only
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Photon Crystal
This order can only be completed once.
10 Advance Capsules b are given once per account, upon acceptance.
New Mission Simulation: Desert
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [New Mission Simulation: V. Cave
Defeat [Spardan A] x1
※ Special Survey: Desert only
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Photon Crystal
This order can only be completed once.
10 Advance Capsules c are given once per account, upon acceptance.


  • The following Client Orders were removed from EPISODE 3 due to changes that made all classes available from the start.
Order Name Requirements Objective Reward Comments
Fighter License Application
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [Fighter Class RecommendationDefeat [Rockbear] x1
Defeat [Vol Dragon] x1
Defeat [Gwanahda] x1
※ Defeat Lv.21+ Rockbear with Swords, Vol Dragon with Wired Lances, and Gwanahda with Partizans.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Fighter License
Unlocks [Fighter]
This order can only be completed once.
Gunner License Application
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [Shall I Endorse You For Gunner?Defeat [Rockbear] x1
Defeat [Vol Dragon] x1
※ Defeat Lv.21+ Rockbear with Launchers &
Vol Dragon with Rifles.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Gunner License
Twin Machineguns
Unlocks [Gunner]
This order can only be completed once.
Techer License Application
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [You Want to Become a Techer?Defeat [Rockbear] x1
Defeat [Vol Dragon] x1
※ Defeat Lv.21+ Rockbear with Rods & Vol Dragon with Talises.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Techer License
Unlocks [Techer]
This order can only be completed once.

Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.