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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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that aims to investigate the morality of being faithful to even an eldritch space god.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.


Add Special Abilities


  • To add an ability to an item, you must have another item of the same type with the same number of slots.
  • When an item have no ability slots, you can use items with any number of slots as material but can only add 1 at a penalized rate.
  • Weapons can be used as materials for weapons, and units can be used for units. You can't use weapons on units or vice versa.
  • When adding an extra slot, the success rate of all abilities will be lowered by a certain amount depending on the number of slots.
  • All materials used when adding special abilities will be permanently gone regardless if it failed or succeed.
  • By combining two or more lower ranked abilities, you can make a higher ranked one. (ex. Freeze Ⅱ + Freeze Ⅱ = Freeze Ⅲ)
  • The only exception to the rule above is Ability. See "Fusion Success Rate" table below for more information.
  • Status Effect abilities can only be added to weapons, and Resistance abilities can only be added to units.
  • You cannot add two abilities with the same name as one will overwrite the other. (ex. Freeze Ⅱ and Freeze Ⅲ on the same item.)
  • When using "Ability Success Rate" items to boost the success rate, the value is added after the "Slot Penalty" is applied.
  • When using "Soul Bonus" to boost the success rate, the value is added before the "Slot Penalty" is applied.
  • I highly recommend using the Affix Simulator before buying materials to simulate the results without wasting meseta.
  • Related Items

    Rarity Icon Image EN Name Information Description
    5★ 能力追加成功率+5%
    Ability Success Rate +5%
    FUN Scratch Increase the success rate by 5% when adding abilities.
    5★ 能力追加成功率+10%
    Ability Success Rate +10%
    AC Scratch
    Grinding Reward
    Increase the success rate by 10% when adding abilities.
    5★ 能力追加成功率+20%
    Ability Success Rate +20%
    Recycle Shop Increase the success rate by 20% when adding abilities.
    6★ 能力追加成功率+30%
    Ability Success Rate +30%
    Excube Shop Increase the success rate by 30% when adding abilities.
    5★ 特殊能力追加(打撃)
    Add Special Ability (S-ATK)
    1st Anniversary
    AC Scratch
    Used when adding abilities on an item.
    Adds "Power Boost" with S-ATK +25 as an effect.
    5★ 特殊能力追加(射撃)
    Add Special Ability (R-ATK)
    1st Anniversary
    AC Scratch
    Used when adding abilities on an item.
    Adds "Shoot Boost" with R-ATK +25 as an effect.
    5★ 特殊能力追加(法撃)
    Add Special Ability (T-ATK)
    1st Anniversary
    AC Scratch
    Used when adding abilities on an item.
    Adds "Technique Boost" with T-ATK +25 as an effect.
    5★ 特殊能力追加(HP)
    Add Special Ability (HP)
    AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
    Adds "Stamina Boost" with HP +45 as an effect.
    5★ 特殊能力追加(PP)
    Add Special Ability (PP)
    AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
    Adds "Spirita Boost" with PP +5 as an effect.

    Extra Slot Penalty

    Slots One Material Two Materials
    0 → 1 100% 100%
    1 → 2 85% 90%
    2 → 3 75% 85%
    3 → 4 60% 70%
    Slots One Material Two Materials
    4 → 5 50% 60%
    5 → 6 45% 55%
    6 → 7 35% 40%
    7 → 8 30% 35%

    Transfer Success Rate

    Affected Abilities First Item Second Item Third Item Selected Ability Success Rate
    Stat Enhancers
    Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅰ 100%
    Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅰ 100%
    Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅰ 100%
    Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅱ 60%
    Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅱ 80%
    Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅱ 100%
    Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅲ 60%
    Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅲ 80%
    Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅲ 100%
    Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅳ 40%
    Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅳ 60%
    Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅳ 80%
    Stamina Ⅴ Stamina Ⅴ 10%
    Stamina Ⅴ Stamina Ⅴ Stamina Ⅴ 30%
    Stamina Ⅴ Stamina Ⅴ Stamina Ⅴ Stamina Ⅴ 50%
    Ability Ⅰ Ability Ⅰ 100%
    Ability Ⅰ Ability Ⅰ Ability Ⅰ 100%
    Ability Ⅰ Ability Ⅰ Ability Ⅰ Ability Ⅰ 100%
    Ability Ⅱ Ability Ⅱ 20%
    Ability Ⅱ Ability Ⅱ Ability Ⅱ 40%
    Ability Ⅱ Ability Ⅱ Ability Ⅱ Ability Ⅱ 60%
    Ability Ⅲ Ability Ⅲ 10%
    Ability Ⅲ Ability Ⅲ Ability Ⅲ 30%
    Ability Ⅲ Ability Ⅲ Ability Ⅲ Ability Ⅲ 50%
    Status Effects
    Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅰ 60%
    Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅰ 80%
    Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅰ 100%
    Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ 40%
    Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ 60%
    Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ 80%
    Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ 20%
    Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ 40%
    Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ 60%
    Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ 20%
    Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ 40%
    Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ 60%
    Freeze Ⅴ Freeze Ⅴ 10%
    Freeze Ⅴ Freeze Ⅴ Freeze Ⅴ 30%
    Freeze Ⅴ Freeze Ⅴ Freeze Ⅴ Freeze Ⅴ 50%
    Monster Souls
    Mutation Ⅰ
    Snow Soul
    Snow Soul Snow Soul Snow Soul 50%
    Snow Soul Snow Soul Snow Soul Snow Soul 80%
    Stigma Stigma Stigma 30%
    Stigma Stigma Stigma Stigma 50%
    Flict Arma
    Flict Tiro
    Flict Magia
    Alter Arma
    Alter Tiro
    Alter Magia
    Flict Arma
    Flict Arma Flict Arma
    Flict Arma Flict Arma Flict Arma Flict Arma 80%

    Fusion Success Rate

    Affected Abilities First Item Second Item Third Item Selected Ability Success Rate
    Stat Enhancers
    Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅱ 60%
    Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅰ Stamina Ⅱ 80%
    Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅲ 30%
    Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅱ Stamina Ⅲ 50%
    Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅳ 20%
    Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅲ Stamina Ⅳ 40%
    Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅴ 10%
    Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅳ Stamina Ⅴ 30%
    Power Ⅰ Shoot Ⅰ Technique Ⅰ Ability Ⅰ 80%
    Body Ⅰ React Ⅰ Mind Ⅰ Ability Ⅰ 80%
    Power Ⅱ Shoot Ⅱ Technique Ⅱ Ability Ⅱ 70%
    Body Ⅱ React Ⅱ Mind Ⅱ Ability Ⅱ 70%
    Power Ⅲ Shoot Ⅲ Technique Ⅲ Ability Ⅲ 60%
    Body Ⅲ React Ⅲ Mind Ⅲ Ability Ⅲ 60%
    Status Effects
    Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅱ 60%
    Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅰ Freeze Ⅱ 80%
    Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅲ 20%
    Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅲ 40%
    Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅳ 20%
    Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅳ 40%
    Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅴ 10%
    Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅴ 30%

    Soul Bonus

    Affected Ability First Item Second Item Third Item Selected Ability Default Bonus Total
    Stat Enhancers
    Mutation Ⅰ Power Ⅱ Power Ⅱ Power Ⅲ 30% +30% 60%
    Mutation Ⅰ Shoot Ⅱ Shoot Ⅱ Shoot Ⅲ 30% +30% 60%
    Mutation Ⅰ Technique Ⅱ Technique Ⅱ Technique Ⅲ 30% +30% 60%
    Mutation Ⅰ Ice Resist Ⅱ Ice Resist Ⅱ Ice Resist Ⅲ 30% +30% 60%
    Status Effects
    Mutation Ⅰ Burn Ⅱ Burn Ⅱ Burn Ⅲ 20% +40% 60%
    Mutation Ⅰ Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅲ 20% +40% 60%
    Mutation Ⅰ Shock Ⅱ Shock Ⅱ Shock Ⅲ 20% +40% 60%
    Mutation Ⅰ Poison Ⅱ Poison Ⅱ Poison Ⅲ 20% +40% 60%
    Status Effect
    Photon Collect Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅱ Freeze Ⅲ 20% +80% 100%
    Photon Collect Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅲ Freeze Ⅳ 20% +50% 70%
    Photon Collect Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅳ Freeze Ⅴ 10% +40% 50%

    Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
    Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.