Welcome to Cirnopedia, a website that hopes to archive all information
about Cirno, the coolest, strongest and most intelligent fairy in Gensoukyou™.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Flandrepedia. Please call an ambulance before it's too late.
Your safety is not guaranteed when browsing this site, especially during midnight.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to discover and investigate the legality of having a harem in outerspace.
We might also have some info about the game Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a secret research facility under the supervision
of Fenrir Far East Division that aims to create a new world through Nova.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, an infested and corrupted facility under the rule
of our great and profound darkness where we research the cuteness of evil.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to investigate the morality of being faithful to even an eldritch space god.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.


Client Orders


Client Client Name Location Gender Race Position Character Voice Costume Information
Medical Center
(Gate Area)
Female Human Medic Kana Ueda Nurse Dress Issues item delivery orders that unlock drinks for the Medical Center.
Order Name Requirements Objective Reward Comments
Shifta Drink Ingredients
Complete [Impact of One's First BattleDeliver [ガルフの爪] x10
Deliver [フォンガルフの牙] x1
※ Drops from Gulf and Fangulf respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 500
Shifta Drink
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Photon Drink Ingredients
Complete [Impact of One's First BattleDeliver [アギニスの羽根] x5
Deliver [ガロンゴの甲殻] x1
※ Drops from Aginis and Garongo respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 800
Photon Drink
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Random Drink Ingredients
Complete [Exploration Request IDeliver [ディッグの角] x15
Deliver [ディーニアンの剣の破片] x1
※ Drops from Digg and Dinian respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 1,000
Random Drink
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Shifta Drink Z Research
Complete [Exploration Request IDeliver [ディーニアンの盾の破片] x10
Deliver [ディーニアンの杖の破片] x5
※ Drops from Dinian and Sil Dinian respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 1,500
Shifta Drink Z
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Deband Drink Z Research
Reach Lv.14 Deliver [ディーニアンの剣の刀身] x10
Deliver [カルターゴの殻] x2
※ Drops from Sol Dinian & Kartargot respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 2,000
Deband Drink Z
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Guts Drink Z Research
Complete [Exploration Request IIDeliver [ダガンの針] x20
Deliver [スパルダンAのパーツb] x10
※ Drops from Dagan and Spardan A respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 2,500
Guts Drink Z
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Photon Drink Z Research
Complete [Guts Drink Z Research
Deliver [クラーダの脚] x20
Deliver [スパルガンのパーツb] x10
※ Drops from Krahda and Spargun respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 3,000
Photon Drink Z
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Random Drink Z Research
Complete [Photon Drink Z Research
Deliver [エル・アーダの刃] x10
Deliver [ブリアーダの尻尾] x3
※ Drops from El Ahda and Breeahda respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 3,500
Random Drink Z
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Road to Shifta Drink EX
Complete [Random Drink Z Research
Deliver [ロックベアの牙] x1
Deliver [ヴォル・ドラゴンのかぎ爪] x1
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Rockbear and Vol Dragon respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 4,000
Shifta Drink EX
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Road to Deband Drink EX
Complete [Road to Shifta Drink EX
Deliver [フォードランの上質角] x3
Deliver [ノーディランの角] x15
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Fordoran and Nordiran respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 4,500
Deband Drink EX
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Road to Guts Drink EX
Complete [Road to Deband Drink EX
Deliver [キャタドランの甲殻] x1
Deliver [グワナーダのあご] x1
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Caterdra'n and Gwanahda respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 5,000
Guts Drink EX
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Road to Photon Drink EX
Complete [Road to Guts Drink EX
Deliver [カルターゴの厚い殻] x2
Deliver [シグノガンのパーツb] x5
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Kartargot and Signo Gun respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 6,000
Photon Drink EX
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.
Road to Random Drink EX
Complete [Road to Photon Drink EX
Deliver [キングイエーデの髭] x1
Deliver [スノウバンサーの牙] x1
※ Drops from Lv.34+ King Yede and Snow Banther respectively.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 7,500
Random Drink EX
This order can only be completed once.
※ Available at the Medical Center.

Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.