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Recycle Shop

Recycle Shop

Rarity Icon Image Name Trade Information
5★ カラーチェンジパス
Color Change Pass
[Rappy Suit] x1 Allows you to change your character's colors
at the makeover salon.
※ White, Pink, Blue, Green & Black Rappy Suits
can also be traded.
5★ カラーチェンジパス
Color Change Pass
[AC Scratch Items] x14 Allows you to change your character's colors
at the makeover salon.
5★ マグカラー同調デバイス
Mag Color Matching Device
[AC Scratch Items] x8 Your mag will match colors with your clothes.
(Casts are unable to use this item.)
5★ マグカラー変更デバイス
Mag Color Change Device
[AC Scratch Items] x12 Your mag will be fixed to the color you set.
5★ マグ形態変更パス
Mag Form Change Pass
[AC Scratch Items] x3 Allows you to select the form of your Mag.
A pass will be consumed each time you change forms.
5★ 強化成功率+20%
Grind Success Rate +20%
[AC Scratch Items] x8 Increase the success rate by 20%
when grinding equipments.
5★ 能力追加成功率+20%
Ability Success Rate +20%
[AC Scratch Items] x8 Increase the success rate by 20%
when adding abilities.
5★ 装備条件緩和+20%
Relax Equip Condition +20%
[AC Scratch Items] x8 Decreases the required stat of the extended equipment by 20%.
5★ メリット値+20%
Merit Value +20%
[AC Scratch Items] x8 Increases the merit value by 20% when customizing techniques.
5★ デメリット値-20%
Demerit Value -20%
[AC Scratch Items] x8 Decreases the demerit value by 20% when customizing techniques.
7★ 進化デバイス/ラッピー
Evolution Device / Rappy
[AC Scratch Items] x20 Requires a Lv.100 mag or above to use.
Evolves your mag into a Rappy.
7★ 進化デバイス/アンブラ
Evolution Device / Umblla
[AC Scratch Items] x20 Requires a Lv.100 mag or above to use.
Evolves your mag into an Umblla.
7★ 進化デバイス/タマヒメ
Evolution Device / Tamahime
[AC Scratch Items] x20 Requires a Lv.100 mag or above to use.
Evolves your mag into an Tamahime.
5★ 強化スキップ(→7)
Grind Skip (→7)
[AC Scratch Items] x20 Can only be used on an item with +6 or below.
Allows you to grind to +7 instantly.
5★ 再受注時間リセット
Re-Order Timer Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x12 Resets the cooldown timer on all client orders and allows you to retake them again immediately.
5★ CC50獲得チケット
CC 50 Ticket
[AC Scratch Items] x1 A ticket for claiming CC (Casino Coins). Allows you to receive 50 CC when used.
5★ CC450獲得チケット
CC 450 Ticket
[AC Scratch Items] x8 A ticket for claiming CC (Casino Coins). Allows you to receive 450 CC when used.
7★ リサイクルバッヂ
Recycle Badge
[AC Scratch Items] x1 A badge that can be used as "AC Scratch Items" at the Recycle Shop.
7★ リサイクルバッヂ(10個)
Recycle Badge (10)
[AC Scratch Items] x10 A badge that can be used as "AC Scratch Items" at the Recycle Shop.
6★ エクスキューブ
[10★ Weapon] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
6★ エクスキューブ(10個)
Excube (10)
[10★ Weapon] x10 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
6★ フォトンスフィア
Photon Sphere
[10★ Weapon] x1 Large crystallized photon.
Solidified photons used as materials for trading.
6★ グラインダー(30個)
Grinder (30)
[10★ Weapon] x1 Grinding machine used for enhancing weapons and armors. The amount required depends on the equipment's rarity. Used up regardless if the process failed or succeed.
5★ ★10武器購入パス
★10 Weapon Exchange Pass
[10★ Weapon] x1 Ticket required to purchase a 10★ weapon from the player shops. Requires premium to trade from the shop.
※ Rare Stone Shop weapons cannot be traded.
6★ エクスキューブ
[11★ Weapon] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
5★ ★11武器購入パス
★11 Weapon Exchange Pass
[11★ Weapon] x1 Ticket required to purchase an 11★ weapon from the player shops. Requires premium to trade from the shop.
※ Rare Stone Shop weapons cannot be traded.
5★ ★12武器購入パス
★12 Weapon Exchange Pass
[12★ Weapon] x1 Ticket required to purchase an 11★ weapon from the player shops. Requires premium to trade from the shop.
※ Rare Stone Shop weapons cannot be traded.
6★ フォトンスフィア
Photon Sphere
[10★ Unit] x5 Large crystallized photon.
Solidified photons used as materials for trading.
6★ グラインダー(30個)
Grinder (30)
[10★ Unit] x5 Grinding machine used for enhancing weapons and armors. The amount required depends on the equipment's rarity. Used up regardless if the process failed or succeed.
5★ ★10ユニット交換パス
★10 Unit Exchange Pass
[10★ Unit] x1 Ticket required to purchase a 10★ unit from the player shops. Requires premium to trade from the shop.
6★ フォトンスフィア
Photon Sphere
[11★ Unit] x5 Large crystallized photon.
Solidified photons used as materials for trading.
5★ ★11ユニット交換パス
★11 Unit Exchange Pass
[11★ Unit] x1 Ticket required to purchase a 11★ unit from the player shops. Requires premium to trade from the shop.
5★ アークスバッヂ青
Blue ARKS Badge
[My Room 3 Days] x3 Blue badge with the ARKS logo engraved.
Rewarded to those who achieved a special condition.
5★ アークスバッヂ青
Blue ARKS Badge
[My Shop 3 Days] x1 Blue badge with the ARKS logo engraved.
Rewarded to those who achieved a special condition.
6★ エクスキューブ(2個)
Excube (2)
[Hu Excube] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
6★ エクスキューブ(2個)
Excube (2)
[Ra Excube] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
6★ エクスキューブ(2個)
Excube (2)
[Fo Excube] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
6★ エクスキューブ(2個)
Excube (2)
[Fi Excube] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
6★ エクスキューブ(2個)
Excube (2)
[Gu Excube] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
6★ エクスキューブ(2個)
Excube (2)
[Te Excube] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
6★ エクスキューブ(2個)
Excube (2)
[Br Excube] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.
6★ エクスキューブ(2個)
Excube (2)
[Bo Excube] x1 Special crystal rewarded to those who
seek more power. Materials for trading.

Crafting Shop

Rarity Icon Image Name Trade Information
5★ アイロニア
[Photon Drop] x2 Material required for crafting striking weapons.
5★ アイロデスト
[Photon Drop] x2 Material required for crafting ranged weapons.
5★ アイログリモ
[Photon Drop] x2 Material required for crafting tech weapons.
5★ アイロアムス
[Photon Drop] x2 Material required for crafting rear units.
5★ アイロアムス
[Photon Drop] x2 Material required for crafting arm units.
5★ アイロレグス
[Photon Drop] x2 Material required for crafting leg units.
5★ スティニア
[Ironia] x5 Material required for crafting striking weapons.
5★ スティニア(20個)
Steenia (20)
[Ironia] x100 Material required for crafting striking weapons.
5★ スティデスト
[Irodest] x5 Material required for crafting ranged weapons.
5★ スティデスト(20個)
Steedest (20)
[Irodest] x100 Material required for crafting ranged weapons.
5★ スティグリモ
[Irogrimo] x5 Material required for crafting tech weapons.
5★ スティグリモ(20個)
Steegrimo (20)
[Irogrimo] x100 Material required for crafting tech weapons.
5★ スティリアス
[Irorias] x5 Material required for crafting rear units.
5★ スティリアス(20個)
Steerias (20)
[Irorias] x100 Material required for crafting rear units.
5★ スティアムス
[Iroams] x5 Material required for crafting arm units.
5★ スティアムス(20個)
Steeams (20)
[Iroams] x100 Material required for crafting arm units.
5★ スティレグス
[Irolegs] x5 Material required for crafting leg units.
5★ スティレグス(20個)
Steelegs (20)
[Irolegs] x100 Material required for crafting leg units.
5★ シルバニア
[Steenia] x10 Material required for crafting striking weapons.
5★ シルバニア(20個)
Silvania (20)
[Steenia] x200 Material required for crafting striking weapons.
5★ シルバデスト
[Steedest] x10 Material required for crafting ranged weapons.
5★ シルバデスト(20個)
Silvadest (20)
[Steedest] x200 Material required for crafting ranged weapons.
5★ シルバグリモ
[Steegrimo] x10 Material required for crafting tech weapons.
5★ シルバグリモ(20個)
Silvagrimo (20)
[Steegrimo] x200 Material required for crafting tech weapons.
5★ シルバリアス
[Steerias] x10 Material required for crafting rear units.
5★ シルバリアス(20個)
Silvarias (20)
[Steerias] x200 Material required for crafting rear units.
5★ シルバアムス
[Steeams] x10 Material required for crafting arm units.
5★ シルバアムス(20個)
Silvaams (20)
[Steeams] x200 Material required for crafting arm units.
5★ シルバレグス
[Steelegs] x10 Material required for crafting leg units.
5★ シルバレグス(20個)
Silvalegs (20)
[Steelegs] x200 Material required for crafting leg units.
5★ ゴードリアス
[Silvarias] x10 Material required for crafting rear units.
5★ ゴードリアス(20個)
Goldrias (20)
[Silvarias] x200 Material required for crafting rear units.
5★ ゴードアムス
[Silvaams] x10 Material required for crafting arm units.
5★ ゴードアムス(20個)
Goldams (20)
[Silvaams] x200 Material required for crafting arm units.
5★ ゴードレグス
[Silvalegs] x10 Material required for crafting leg units.
5★ ゴードレグス(20個)
Goldlegs (20)
[Silvalegs] x200 Material required for crafting leg units.
7★ サファード
[Rubiard] x10 Rare material required for crafting weapons.
7★ プロメチット
[Neogit] x10 Rare material required for crafting units.
5★ PAフラグメント(打撃)
PA Fragment (S-ATK)
[PA Fragment (R-ATK)] x50 Material required for crafting striking equipments.
5★ PAフラグメント(打撃)
PA Fragment (S-ATK)
[PA Fragment (T-ATK)] x50 Material required for crafting striking equipments.
5★ PAフラグメント(射撃)
PA Fragment (R-ATK)
[PA Fragment (S-ATK)] x50 Material required for crafting ranged equipments.
5★ PAフラグメント(射撃)
PA Fragment (R-ATK)
[PA Fragment (T-ATK)] x50 Material required for crafting ranged equipments.
5★ PAフラグメント(法撃)
PA Fragment (T-ATK)
[PA Fragment (S-ATK)] x50 Material required for crafting tech equipments.
5★ PAフラグメント(法撃)
PA Fragment (T-ATK)
[PA Fragment (R-ATK)] x50 Material required for crafting tech equipments.
5★ フォイエ/リセット
Foie / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ギ・フォイエ/リセット
Gifoie / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ラ・フォイエ/リセット
Rafoie / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ サ・フォイエ/リセット
Safoie / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ シフタ/リセット
Shifta / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ナ・フォイエ/リセット
Nafoie / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ イル・フォイエ/リセット
Ilfoie / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ バータ/リセット
Barta / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ギ・バータ/リセット
Gibarta / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ラ・バータ/リセット
Rabarta / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ サ・バータ/リセット
Sabarta / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ナ・バータ/リセット
Nabarta / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ デバンド/リセット
Deband / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ イル・バータ/リセット
Ilbarta / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ゾンデ/リセット
Zonde / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ギ・ゾンデ/リセット
Gizonde / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ラ・ゾンデ/リセット
Razonde / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ サ・ゾンデ/リセット
Sazonde / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ナ・ゾンデ/リセット
Nazonde / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ゾンディール/リセット
Zondeel / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ イル・ゾンデ/リセット
Ilzonde / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ザン/リセット
Zan / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ギ・ザン/リセット
Gizan / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ラ・ザン/リセット
Razan / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ サ・ザン/リセット
Sazan / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ナ・ザン/リセット
Nazan / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ザンバース/リセット
Zanverse / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ イル・ザン/リセット
Ilzan / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ グランツ/リセット
Grants / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ギ・グランツ/リセット
Gigrants / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ラ・グランツ/リセット
Ragrants / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ レスタ/リセット
Resta / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ アンティ/リセット
Anti / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ナ・グランツ/リセット
Nagrants / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ イル・グランツ/リセット
Ilgrants / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ メギド/リセット
Megid / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ギ・メギド/リセット
Gimegid / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ラ・メギド/リセット
Ramegid / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ サ・メギド/リセット
Samegid / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ メギバース/リセット
Megiverse / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ ナ・メギド/リセット
Namegid / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
5★ イル・メギド/リセット
Ilmegid / Reset
[AC Scratch Items] x2 Resets any customizations to default.
6★ クラフトエクスビルダー2
Craft Ex Builder 2
[Excube] x4 Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when extending equipments by 4%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Ex Builders.
6★ クラフトテックビルダー2
Craft Tech Builder 2
[Excube] x4 Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when customizing techniques by 4%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Tech Builders.
6★ クラフト時限ビルダー2
Craft Timed Builder 2
[Excube] x4 Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when adding timed abilities by 4%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Timed Builders.
6★ クラフトエクスビルダー3
Craft Ex Builder 3
[Craft Ex Builder] x1
[Craft Ex Builder 2] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when extending equipments by 6%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Ex Builders.
6★ クラフトテックビルダー3
Craft Tech Builder 3
[Craft Tech Builder] x1
[Craft Tech Builder 2] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when customizing techniques by 6%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Tech Builders.
6★ クラフト時限ビルダー3
Craft Timed Builder 3
[Craft Timed Builder] x1
[Craft Timed Builder 2] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when adding timed abilities by 6%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Timed Builder.
6★ クラフトエクスビルダー4
Craft Ex Builder 4
[Craft Ex Builder 2] x1
[Craft Ex Builder 3] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when extending equipments by 8%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Ex Builders.
6★ クラフトテックビルダー4
Craft Tech Builder 4
[Craft Tech Builder 2] x1
[Craft Tech Builder 3] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room.
Reduces the cooldown when customizing techniques by 8%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Tech Builders.
6★ クラフト時限ビルダー4
Craft Timed Builder 4
[Craft Timed Builder 2] x1
[Craft Timed Builder 3] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when adding timed abilities by 8%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Timed Builder.
6★ クラフトエクスメイカー2
Craft Ex Maker 2
[Excube] x8
Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when extending equipments by 1.5%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Ex Makers.
6★ クラフトテックメイカー2
Craft Tech Maker 2
[Excube] x8
Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when customizing techniques by 2%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Tech Makers.
6★ クラフト時限メイカー2
Craft Timed Maker 2
[Excube] x8
Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when adding timed abilities by 1.5%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Timed Maker.
6★ クラフトエクスメイカー3
Craft Ex Maker 3
[Craft Ex Maker] x1
[Craft Ex Maker 2] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when extending equipments by 2%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Ex Makers.
6★ クラフトテックメイカー3
Craft Tech Maker 3
[Craft Tech Maker] x1
[Craft Tech Maker 2] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when customizing techniques by 3%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Tech Makers.
6★ クラフト時限メイカー3
Craft Timed Maker 3
[Craft Timed Maker] x1
[Craft Timed Maker 2] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when adding timed abilities by 2%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Timed Maker.
6★ クラフトエクスメイカー4
Craft Ex Maker 4
[Craft Ex Maker 2] x1
[Craft Ex Maker 3] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room.
Increases the chance of Great Success
when extending equipments by 2.5%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Ex Makers.
6★ クラフトテックメイカー4
Craft Tech Maker 4
[Craft Tech Maker 2] x1
[Craft Tech Maker 3] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room.
Increases the chance of Great Success
when customizing techniques by 4%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Tech Makers.
6★ クラフト時限メイカー4
Craft Timed Maker 4
[Craft Timed Maker 2] x1
[Craft Timed Maker 3] x1
Crafting equipment for My Room. Increases the chance of Great Success when adding timed abilities by 2.5%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Timed Maker.

Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.