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Room Goods


  • These items can be placed on shelves and tables.
  • Rarity Icon Image Name Cost Area Type Information Description
    2★ ミステリーエッグ
    Mystery Egg
    1 1x1 Floor My Room Shop A decoration for My Room. Egg found in the volcano. It seems to have existed since ancient times but details are unknown.
    2★ フルーティーギフト
    Fruity Gift
    1 1x1 Floor My Room Shop A decoration for My Room. A basket full of fruits from all seasons. A popular gift for those who are sick.
    2★ ティーセット
    Tea Set
    1 1x1 Floor Change Your Password
    Campaign Reward
    A set of tea utensils for My Room. Enjoy the rich taste and aroma of natural tea leaves that came from a certain planet.
    2★ ベリベリーパイ
    Berry Berry Pie
    1 1x1 Floor Change Your Password
    Campaign Reward
    A cake for My Room. A thick baked pie filled with jams made from sweet berries and love berries.
    2★ マグカップ♀
    Mug Cup ♀
    1 1x1 Floor Valentines Love
    Campaign Reward
    Girl's mug for My Room. Designed with a pink rappy at the front. There's also a matching blue version for boys.
    2★ マグカップ♂
    Mug Cup ♂
    1 1x1 Floor White Day of Love
    Campaign Reward
    Boy's mug for My Room. Designed with a blue rappy at the front. There's also a matching pink version for girls.
    3★ ラッピープラトゥ
    Rappy Plate
    1 1x1 Floor Welcome
    Campaign Reward
    An ornamental plate for My Room. A tradeable dish for Rappy collectors due to the Rappy artwork at the center.
    4★ シャーベット
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. A homemade shaved ice made from frozen tundra ingredients, with rainbow syrup as flavor.
    4★ シーアネモネ
    Sea Anemone
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch An object for My Room. Anemones commonly found in the seabed area. It has been rendered harmless and safe to touch.
    4★ ミニミニ採掘レッカー
    Mini Mini Mining Wrecker
    1 1x1 Floor Mining Base
    Enemy Drop
    An object for My Room. A model of the transport vehicle that collects materials in Lillipa Mining Base.
    4★ 酒瓶
    Sake Bottle
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. A premium product made from traditional manufacturing and carefully selected ingredients.
    4★ とっくり&おちょこ
    Sake Flask & Cup
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. An essential item for drinking companions from a certain region.
    4★ アークマ・マグカップ
    Arkma Mug Cup
    1 1x1 Floor Arkma's Prize Shop A mug for My Room.
    It's my duty to be your mug,
    but no hot drinks please.
    4★ アークマミ・マグカップ
    Arkmami Mug Cup
    1 1x1 Floor Arkmami's Prize Shop An accessory for My Room.
    It's my duty to become your mug.
    Please don't hesitate to use me.
    4★ ガッコ・エピツケズリ
    School Pencil Sharpener
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch An accessory for My Room.
    A nostalgic item that sharpen pencils by manually turning the handle.
    5★ ウォールペイント
    Wall Paint
    1 1x1 Floor Forest
    Enemy Drop
    A decoration for My Room. A slab with a painting that captures the ecology of the native creatures.
    5★ マグマクッカー
    Magma Cooker
    1 1x1 Floor Volcano Cave
    Enemy Drop
    A decoration for My Room. A special dish made from volcanic ingredients. So hot that you can see it boil.
    5★ スポーツカー
    Sports Car
    1 1x1 Floor Urban Sector
    Enemy Drop
    A decoration for My Room. A miniature model of a sports car found in the city.
    5★ ホネ・ストーン
    Bone Stone
    1 1x1 Floor Frozen Tundra
    Enemy Drop
    A decoration for My Room. A fossil of an enemy found in tundra. Popular for its cold touch.
    5★ スノーラビット
    Snow Rabbit
    1 1x1 Floor Client Order Reward
    from Amelin
    A decoration for My Room. Made to imitate snow rabbits usually found in snowy mountains. A charm for marriage.
    5★ ドラゴンストーン
    Dragon Stone
    1 1x1 Floor Client Order Reward
    from Amelin
    A decoration for My Room. Rare stones only found in the floating continents. Its rarity makes it a collector's item.
    5★ レジェンドリング
    Legend Ring
    1 1x1 Floor Ruins
    Enemy Drop
    A ring for My Room. An object only found in the ruins. It gives off a mysterious glow.
    5★ クリスタルスカル
    Crystal Skull
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Art for My Room. A relic excavated from a certain ruins. Age is uncertain but it seems to be created with advanced technology.
    5★ アンティコ・ドール
    Antique Doll
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Decoration for My Room. Mint condition, elegantly dressed, beautiful eyes, perfectly clean. It looks brand new.....
    5★ レトロポット
    Retro Pot
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A pot for My Room. It might be retro but it is built with a meter that measures the temperature inside.
    5★ レトロカップ
    Retro Cup
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A cup for My Room. Built with a meter that measures the temperature of the liquid contained.
    5★ ブッシュドノエル
    Buche de Noel
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Enjoyable treats for My Room. A traditional roll cake decorated with cream to imitate the form of fire wood.
    5★ シュトーレン
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Enjoyable treats for My Room. A traditional fruit cake made from dried fruit kneaded with raisins and almonds, then sprinkled with powdered sugar.
    5★ 丸焼きチキン
    Roast Chicken
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Enjoyable treats for My Room. Luxurious looking juicy chicken with a tantalizing aroma.
    5★ ジャンボピザ
    Jumbo Pizza
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Enjoyable treats for My Room. Cheesy pizza topped with tomatoes and garnished with salami.
    5★ ホールケーキ
    Whole Cake
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Enjoyable treats for My Room. The bittersweet flavor of the strawberries and sweetness of the fresh cream create the perfect blend.
    5★ ダンベル
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Workout equipment necessary to have a strong body. Weight appears to be labeled as 250KTB, an unknown unit of measurement.
    5★ おせちセット
    New Year Set
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Food for My Room. Meaningful details and effort were put into each colorful dish.
    5★ バレンタインリリーパ
    Valentines Lillipa
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. Lovely Lillipan holding a chocolate. Valentines gift for you.
    5★ ホワイトデーリリーパ
    White Day Lillipa
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. Lovely Lillipan holding a chocolate. White Day gift for you to return the favor.
    5★ ファンシーティーセット
    Fancy Tea Set
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A tea set for My Room. Comes with a sweet rappy cake popular with young girls.
    5★ ファンシージュエルケース
    Fancy Jewel Case
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. A secret box for young girls to treasure their colorful jewelries.
    5★ ファンシーバニティケース
    Fancy Vanity Case
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. Packed with various cosmetics to maintain a young girl's beauty.
    5★ ファンシーベア
    Fancy Bear
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room.
    A lovely stuffed baby bear.
    Its pink heart can tease a lady's heart.
    5★ ファンシーケージ
    Fancy Cage
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room.
    A pretty bird cage with a potted plant.
    Good for a young maiden's interior.
    5★ ファンシーブック
    Fancy Books
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Books for My Room. A pile of books composed of self-made poems and dreamy stories for young girls.
    5★ ファンシーバスケット
    Fancy Basket
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room.
    A basket filled with a young girl's feelings... maybe.
    5★ レトロスコープ
    Retro Scope
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Laboratory equipment for My Room. An obsolete lab equipment used to observe microscopic organisms.
    5★ レトロトースター
    Retro Toaster
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Cooking equipment for My Room. This retro equipment can toast two slices of bread at the same time.
    5★ オールドローラースケート
    Old Roller Skates
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. Shoes with wheels that allows you to glide on the floor. It used to be the hottest craze.
    5★ オールドパフェ
    Old Parfait
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Sweets for My Room. A simple parfait with ice cream and cherry on top.
    5★ オールドタイプライター
    Old Typewriter
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. An item once used as a device for typing text.
    5★ オールド・デ・ンワ
    Old Telephone
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. A unique oval-shaped phone. Only a limited number of these were sold.
    5★ フラミンゴの置物
    Flamingo Figurine
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. A model of a bird from a certain planet. Since the legs are thin, it may easily break.
    5★ オールド・スーパーカー
    Old Super Car
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. A model of an old super car. Every boy would love to have this.
    5★ タワオ人形
    Tawao Doll
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star Festa
    2014 (Tokyo)
    5★ いしきりん人形
    Isikirin Doll
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star Festa
    2014 (Osaka)
    5★ かわりみ千兵衛人形
    Kawarimi Senbei Doll
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star Festa
    2014 (Fukuoka)
    5★ コアックマ&アックマ人形
    Koakkuma & Akkuma Doll
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star Festa
    2014 (Sapporo)
    5★ オカザえもん人形
    Okazaemon Doll
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star Festa
    2014 (Nagoya)
    5★ アークマぬいぐるみ
    Arkma Plushy
    1 1x1 Floor PSO2 x 7-Eleven
    Collaboration 2015
    A decoration for My Room. It is my duty to relieve you of your stress with my cuteness after a tiring mission.
    5★ アークマミぬいぐるみ
    Arkmami Plushy
    1 1x1 Floor PSO2 x 7-Eleven
    Collaboration 2015
    A decoration for My Room. It is my duty to wish for your safe return during a mission.
    6★ レトロマスコット
    Retro Mascot
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Doll for My Room. Due to all the technological advances built into this thing, its eyes can emit light in the dark.
    6★ スイートショコラ
    Sweet Chocolate
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Sweets for My Room. A mountain of chocolate served on a plate. Be careful not to eat too much!
    6★ マ・トリョーシカ
    Ma Tryoshka
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A doll for My Room. A hollow doll with a slightly smaller doll inside.
    6★ オキク・ドール
    Okiku Doll
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A decoration for My Room. Originally owned by the parents of a girl who went missing. A rattling sound can be heard when approuched.
    6★ ウォータータワー
    Water Tower
    1 1x1 Floor Quarry Enemy Drop A decoration for My Room. A motif of a structure that may have functioned as a water tower.
    6★ ツボ・デ・コット
    Tsubo de Kotto
    1 1x1 Floor Net Cafe Shop An old pottery for My Room. A very simple yet beautiful pot that's quite soothing.
    6★ ミ・カン
    Mi Kan
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A sweet fruit that only grows from a certain planet. Popular in winter and is considered a must-have for any kotatsu table.
    6★ オフロ・セット
    Bath Set
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch Bathing tools for My Room. Fatigue is relieved by the gentle fragrance of wood. A necessity for everyday living.
    6★ メモリアルコイン
    Memorial Coin
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    Realm Pioneer
    A decoration for My Room. It seems to be made to commemorate something. Unknown origins and value.
    6★ モダン・ウォッチ
    Modern Watch
    1 1x1 Floor FUN Scratch A watch for My Room. An rare analog timer that might be of interest to some collectors.
    6★ ミニミニ採掘拠点
    Mini Mini Mining Tower
    1 1x1 Floor Mining Base
    Enemy Drop
    An object for My Room. A model of the towers found in Lillipa Mining Base. It must be protected at all cost.
    6★ アークマ・ミニ
    Arkma Mini
    1 1x1 Floor Arkma's Prize Shop An accessory for My Room.
    To be a room accessory is my mission.
    I wish to start my mission immediately.
    6★ ミニミニシップ
    Mini Mini Ship
    1 1x1 Floor Client Order Reward
    from Amelin
    An object for My Room. A model of a recovered ship from Vopar. Now you can study its structure.
    7★ クチマネ・ドール
    Mimic Doll
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    An object for My Room. A funny doll that repeats random words it hears.
    7★ ラッピーミニドール
    Rappy Mini Doll
    1 1x1 Floor Client Order Reward
    from Girard
    An object for My Room. A very popular doll made to imitate the rappy species.
    7★ マークIII
    Mark III
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star
    Visual Chronicles
    Item Code
    A third generation home videogame console. Praised by many for its backwards compatibility and different accessories.
    7★ マスターシステム
    Master System
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star
    Visual Chronicles
    Item Code
    Successor to the Mark III 8-bit videogame console. Known for its FM sound chip and rapid fire unit during release.
    7★ メガドライブ
    Mega Drive
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star
    Visual Chronicles
    Item Code
    Console made popular due to its 16-bit system, communication, and added BGM playback function.
    7★ セガサターン
    Sega Saturrn
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star
    Visual Chronicles
    Item Code
    A 32-bit home videogame console of an older generation. It features a CD-ROM drive and shocked many with its 3D graphics.
    7★ ドリームキャスト
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star
    Visual Chronicles
    Item Code
    Gaming console known as the DC. Features an internal modem, high-performance videocard and a GD-ROM drive.
    7★ ミャウの置物
    Myau Figurine
    1 1x1 Floor Phantasy Star
    Visual Chronicles
    Item Code
    Small dolls popular for its imitation of a cat, who may have saved the world.
    7★ シルバーメダル
    Silver Medal
    1 1x1 Floor Interrupt Rankings
    Awarded to ARKS members who have ranked 2nd to 5th place in Interrupt Rankings.
    7★ ブロンズメダル
    Bronze Medal
    1 1x1 Floor Interrupt Rankings
    Awarded to ARKS members who have ranked 6th to 10th place in Interrupt Rankings.
    7★ シルバートロフィー
    Silver Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor Weekly Rankings Reward
    2nd to 5th Place
    Awarded to ARKS members who have ranked 2nd to 5th place in Weekly Rankings.
    7★ ブロンズトロフィー
    Bronze Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor Weekly Rankings Reward
    6th to 10th Place
    Awarded to ARKS members who have ranked 6th to 10th place in Weekly Rankings.
    7★ 帰還トロフィーⅠ金
    Escape Trophy I Gold
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    Amazing Test Subject
    A special trophy awarded to outstanding ARKS who have returned from the Darker's Den.
    7★ 帰還トロフィーⅠ銀
    Escape Trophy I Silver
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    Good Test Subject
    A special trophy awarded to outstanding ARKS who have returned from the Darker's Den.
    7★ 帰還トロフィーⅠ銅
    Escape Trophy I Bronze
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    Test Subject
    A special trophy awarded to outstanding ARKS who have returned from the Darker's Den.
    7★ 帰還トロフィーⅡ銅
    Escape Trophy II Bronze
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    Test Victim
    A special trophy awarded to outstanding ARKS who have returned from the Darker's Den.
    7★ 帰還トロフィーⅢ金
    Escape Trophy III Gold
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    Shadow Scare
    A special trophy awarded to outstanding ARKS who have returned from the Darker's Den.
    7★ 帰還トロフィーⅢ銀
    Escape Trophy III Silver
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    Cursed Double
    A special trophy awarded to outstanding ARKS who have returned from the Darker's Den.
    7★ 帰還トロフィーⅢ銅
    Escape Trophy III Bronze
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    Black Doppel
    A special trophy awarded to outstanding ARKS who have returned from the Darker's Den.
    7★ 帰還トロフィーⅣ
    Escape Trophy IV
    1 1x1 Floor Title Reward
    A special trophy awarded to outstanding ARKS who have returned from the Darker's Den.
    7★ 感謝のトロフィー金
    Gold Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor SEGA Special Event
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ 感謝のトロフィー銀
    Silver Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor SEGA Special Event
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ 感謝のトロフィー銅
    Bronze Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor SEGA Special Event
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ 感謝のメダル金
    Gold Medal
    1 1x1 Floor SEGA Special Event
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ 感謝のメダル銀
    Silver Medal
    1 1x1 Floor SEGA Special Event
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ 感謝のメダル銅
    Bronze Medal
    1 1x1 Floor SEGA Special Event
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ 地区優勝記念
    District Champion Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor ARKS Grand Prix
    Regional Tournament
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ 地区準優勝記念
    District Runner-up Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor ARKS Grand Prix
    Regional Tournament
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ 全国優勝記念
    National Champion Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor ARKS Grand Prix
    Finals Tournament
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ 全国準優勝記念
    National Runner-up Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor ARKS Grand Prix
    Finals Tournament
    Reward Item
    A decoration for My Room. Rewarded to players who have participated as a thanksgiving souvenir.
    7★ チチドコモダケ
    Chichi Docomodake
    1 1x1 Floor Docomo PS Vita 3G
    Campaign Reward
    An object for My Room. The father who prefers to relax in peace. The family feels the happiest when he's just lazing around.
    7★ ハハドコモダケ
    Haha Docomodake
    1 1x1 Floor Docomo PS Vita 3G
    Campaign Reward
    An object for My Room. The caring mother that is good at sympathizing with the feelings of others.
    7★ チュウガクドコモダケ
    Chugaku Docomodake
    1 1x1 Floor Docomo PS Vita 3G
    Campaign Reward
    An object for My Room. The youth who's currently at the rebellious stage. Disagrees a lot, but feels lonely deep inside.
    7★ ごらく部の湯のみ
    Amusement Club Tea
    1 1x1 Floor Yuttari Recreation
    AC Scratch
    Amusement Club Set
    8★ ゴールドメダル
    Gold Medal
    1 1x1 Floor Interrupt Rankings
    Awarded to ARKS members who have ranked 1st place in Interrupt Rankings. Proof of your golden victory.
    8★ ゴールドトロフィー
    Gold Trophy
    1 1x1 Floor Weekly Rankings Reward
    1st Place
    Awarded to ARKS members who have ranked 1st place in Weekly Rankings. Proof of your golden victory.

    Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
    Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.