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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.


Matter Board 6

Board Matrix

Matter Investigations

Matter Information Objective Details
A-1 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Arm / Lazuliapouch b
by defeating Lv.31+ [El Ahda].
[Equipment] 3★ Unit: アーム/ラズリアパウチb
[Abilities] Body III, Stamina II, Shock Resist III
A-2 Rendezvous Aboard the
Watch the Conversation Event with the character in question aboard the ARKS Ship. [Location] Shop Area - Monument Square
[Character] Zeno
[Event] 一度きりの後悔
A-3 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Leg / Lazuliastock b
by defeating Lv.31+ [Sparzyle].
[Equipment] 3★ Unit: レッグ/ラズリアストックb
[Abilities] Body III, Stamina II, Shock Resist III
A-5 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Alva Laser
by defeating Lv.31+ [Kartargot].
[Equipment] 5★ Rifle: アルバレーザー
[Attribute] Lightning: 25
[Abilities] Freeze III, Shoot III, Arm III
A-6 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Alva Pisastian
by defeating Lv.31+ [Tranmizer].
[Equipment] 5★ Launcher: アルバピサスティアン
[Attribute] Lightning: 25
[Abilities] Freeze III, Shoot III, Arm III
B-2 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Slash
by defeating Lv.31+ [Signo Beat].
[Equipment] 3★ Gunslash: ヴィタスラッシュ
[Attribute] Dark: 30
[Abilities] Poison II, Power III, Arm II, Spirita II
B-3 Clear a Story Quest [Quest] Things Hidden in the Sands
[Chapter 5] Act 1: Labyrinth Beneath the Sand
B-4 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Launcher
by defeating Lv.31+ [Gilnach].
[Equipment] 3★ Launcher: ヴィタランチャー
[Attribute] Lightning: 30
[Abilities] Shock II, Shoot III, Arm II, Stamina II
B-5 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a []
by defeating Lv.31+ [Gilnas Core].
[Equipment] 5★ Partizan: アルバグングニル
[Attribute] Lightning: 25
[Abilities] Freeze III, Power III, Arm III
B-6 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Distress Signal Investigation - Area 1
[Event] 踏み出す一歩
B-7 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Leg / Deurotolc b
by defeating Lv.31+ [Spargun].
[Equipment] 3★ Unit: レッグ/デュロトルクb
[Abilities] React III, Shot Resist II, Shock Resist III
C-1 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Rifle
by defeating Lv.31+ [Spardan A].
[Equipment] 3★ Rifle: ヴィタライフル
[Attribute] Lightning: 30
[Abilities] Shock II, Shoot III, Arm II, Stamina II
C-2 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Mech Power Survey: Tunnels - Area 1
[Event] 坑道を探る、仮面の姿
C-4 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Arm / Titodigo b
by defeating Lv.31+ [Krahda].
[Equipment] 3★ Unit: アーム/ティトディグオb
[Abilities] React III, Shot Resist II, Shock Resist III
C-5 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Transformer Takedown - Area 1
[Event] ゲッテムハルトの過去は・・・・・・
C-6 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Alva Hatchet
by defeating Lv.31+ [Dagan].
[Equipment] 5★ Gunslash: アルバハチェット
[Attribute] Lightning: 25
[Abilities] Shock III, Shoot III, Power III
C-7 Rendezvous Aboard the
Watch the Conversation Event with the character in question aboard the ARKS Ship. [Location] Medical Center
[Character] Philia
[Event] 記憶喪失は幸せなこと?
D-1 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Sword
by defeating Lv.31+ [Guardinan].
[Equipment] 3★ Sword: ヴィタソード
[Attribute] Lightning: 30
[Abilities] Shock II, Power III, Arm II, Stamina II
D-3 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Sub / Add Stamina e
by defeating Lv.31+ [Quartz Dragon].
[Equipment] 5★ Unit: サブ/アドスタミナe
[Abilities] Body III, Stamina III, All Resist II, Ability II
D-5 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Sub / Add Spirita e
by defeating Lv.31+ [Big Vardha].
[Equipment] 5★ Unit: サブ/アドスピリタe
[Abilities] Mind III, Spirita III, All Resist II, Ability II
D-7 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Rear / Tireigear b
by defeating Lv.31+ [Breeahda].
[Equipment] 3★ Unit: リア/ティレイギアb
[Abilities] React III, Shot Resist II, Shock Resist III
E-1 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Rod
by defeating Lv.31+ [Sil Dinian].
[Equipment] 3★ Rod: ヴィタロッド
[Attribute] Dark: 30
[Abilities] Poison II, Technique III, Arm II, Spirita II
E-3 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Leg / Legabacudol a
by defeating Lv.31+ [Fordoransa].
[Equipment] 4★ Unit: レッグ/レグバキュドアa
[Abilities] Body III, Spirita II, Right Resist III
E-4 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Subdue Caterdra'nsa - Area 1
[Event] あきらめの悪い奴
E-6 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Rear / Shoulbacudol a
by defeating Lv.31+ [Caterdra'nsa].
[Equipment] 4★ Unit: リア/ショルバキュドアa
[Abilities] Body III, Spirita II, Right Resist III
F-1 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Berserk Dragon Suppression - Area 1
[Event] 浮遊大陸を探る、仮面の姿
F-2 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Lance
by defeating Lv.31+ [Sol Dinian].
[Equipment] 3★ W. Lance: ヴィタランス
[Attribute] Dark: 30
[Abilities] Poison II, Power III, Arm II, Spirita II
F-4 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Alva Arch
by defeating Lv.31+ [Windira].
[Equipment] 5★ W. Lance: アルバアーチ
[Attribute] Dark: 25
[Abilities] Panic III, Power III, Arm III
F-5 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Alva Diffuse
by defeating Lv.31+ [Dahgash].
[Equipment] 5★ Talis: アルバディフューズ
[Attribute] Dark: 25
[Abilities] Panic III, Technique III, Arm III
F-6 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Alva Fallounce
by defeating Lv.31+ [Ol Micda].
[Equipment] 5★ Rod: アルバフォールオンス
[Attribute] Dark: 25
[Abilities] Panic III, Technique III, Arm III
F-7 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Alva Calibur
by defeating Lv.31+ [Dagacha].
[Equipment] 5★ Sword: アルバキャリバー
[Attribute] Dark: 25
[Abilities] Panic III, Power III, Arm III
G-1 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Rear / Lazuliazac b
by defeating Lv.31+ [Sadinian].
[Equipment] 3★ Unit: リア/ラズリアザックb
[Abilities] Body III, Stamina II, Shock Resist III
G-2 Clear a Story Quest [Quest] Things Entrusted to Dragons
[Chapter 6] Act 1: To the Continent in the Clouds
G-3 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Partizan
by defeating Lv.31+ [Baridran].
[Equipment] 3★ Partizan: ヴィタパルチザン
[Attribute] Dark: 30
[Abilities] Poison II, Power III, Arm II, Spirita II
G-4 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Specimen Collection: Skyscape - Area 1
[Event] 一刻を争う問題
G-5 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Talis
by defeating Lv.31+ [Set Sadinian].
[Equipment] 3★ Talis: ヴィタタリス
[Attribute] Dark: 30
[Abilities] Poison II, Technique III, Arm II, Spirita II
G-6 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Subdue Caterdra'nsa - Area 1
[Event] ヒ・エンの期待
G-7 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Arm / Apbacudol a
by defeating Lv.31+ [Gu Wonda].
[Equipment] 4★ Unit: アーム/アプバキュドアa
[Abilities] Body III, Spirita II, Right Resist III

Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.