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about Cirno, the coolest, strongest and most intelligent fairy in Gensoukyou™.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about the game Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a secret research facility under the supervision
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to investigate the morality of being faithful to even an eldritch space god.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.


Excube Shop


  • You'll receive two Excubes everytime you gain a level while at the level cap (Lv.65).
  • You can also receive one at the Recycle Shop by trading in a 10★ weapon.
Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
6★ エクスキューブ
Level Cap Bonus
Recycle Shop
Special crystal rewarded to those who seek more power. Materials for trading.

Excube Exchange

Rarity Icon Image Name Trade Information
6★ グラインダー(30個)
Grinder (30)
[Excube] x1 Material used for enhancing weapon and armor units.
Enhancements allow you to increase an item's performance beyond its normal limit.
5★ マイルーム利用3日
My Room 3 Days
[Excube] x1 Allows you to open your room for 3 days.
5★ FUN1000獲得チケット
FUN 1000 Ticket
[Excube] x2 Gives you 1,000 FUN points.
6★ レアドロップ倍率+250%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +250%
[Excube] x6 Increase drop rate of rares by 250%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
10★ リア/ラッピーフェザー
Rear / Rappy Feather
[Excube] x4 Lucky Rise I
Ability II
All Resist II
10★ リア/リフブッシュ
Rear / Leaf Bush
[Excube] x4 Lucky Rise I
Ability II
All Resist II
10★ リア/リブルフレ
Rear / Ribble Fray
[Excube] x4 Lucky Rise I
Ability II
All Resist II
10★ リア/コロンエレミア
Rear / Clon Eremia
[Excube] x4 Lucky Rise I
Ability II
All Resist II
10★ リア/シーギルダスト
Rear / Sigil Dust
[Excube] x4 Lucky Rise I
Ability II
All Resist II
10★ リア/ヴォルテック
Rear / Voltec
[Excube] x4 Lucky Rise I
Ability II
All Resist II
10★ リア/ティトーリア
Rear / Titória
[Excube] x4 Lucky Rise I
Ability II
All Resist II
6★ リア/サーキュエンデc
Rear / Circuende c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ アーム/サーカルゥターc
Arm / Circluder c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ レッグ/サーグロウスc
Leg / Cirglows c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ リア/ティルトウィンc
Rear / Tiltwin c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ アーム/ティタスティンc
Arm / Titastin c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ レッグ/デステレンc
Leg / Destren c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ リア/ブロストルc
Rear / Brostol c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ アーム/ブリステアc
Arm / Bristea c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ レッグ/ブレアズンc
Leg / Breasn c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ リア/バーウィンc
Rear / Berwyn c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ アーム/バーチェスタc
Arm / Berchesta c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ レッグ/バーサイスc
Leg / Bersize c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ リア/クロスゲイナーc
Rear / Crossgainer c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ アーム/クロスアッパーc
Arm / Crossupper c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ レッグ/クロスブロウc
Leg / Crossblow c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ リア/ライザックc
Rear / Lyzac c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ アーム/ライパウチc
Arm / Lypouch c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ レッグ/ライストックc
Leg / Lystock c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ リア/サイマリスc
Rear / Psymalice c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ アーム/サイマームc
Arm / Psymurm c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ レッグ/サイマルグc
Leg / Psymalg c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ リア/ショルドットc
Rear / Shouldot c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ アーム/アパドットc
Arm / Apdot c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
6★ レッグ/レガドットc
Leg / Legadot c
[Excube] x10 Lucky Rise I
Stamina II
Spirita II
4★ 打撃デバイス/アタック
S-ATK Device / Attack
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
S-ATK / Attack
4★ 打撃デバイス/ブロー
S-ATK Device / Blow
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
S-ATK / Blow
4★ 打撃デバイス/アッパー
S-ATK Device / Upper
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
S-ATK / Upper
4★ 射撃デバイス/炎通常弾
R-ATK Device / Fire Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Fire Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/氷通常弾
R-ATK Device / Ice Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Ice Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/雷通常弾
R-ATK Device / Lightning Bullet
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Lightning Bullet
4★ 射撃デバイス/風通常弾
R-ATK Device / Wind Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Wind Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/光通常弾
R-ATK Device / Light Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Light Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/闇通常弾
R-ATK Device / Dark Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Dark Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/炎貫通弾
R-ATK Device / Fire Piercing Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Fire Piercing Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/氷貫通弾
R-ATK Device / Ice Piercing Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Ice Piercing Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/雷貫通弾
R-ATK Device / Lightning Piercing Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Lightning Piercing Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/風貫通弾
R-ATK Device / Wind Piercing Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Wind Piercing Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/光貫通弾
R-ATK Device / Light Piercing Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Light Piercing Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/闇貫通弾
R-ATK Device / Dark Piercing Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Dark Piercing Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/炎炸裂弾
R-ATK Device / Fire Exploding Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Fire Exploding Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/氷炸裂弾
R-ATK Device / Ice Exploding Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Ice Exploding Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/雷炸裂弾
R-ATK Device / Lightning Exploding Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Lightning Exploding Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/風炸裂弾
R-ATK Device / Wind Expl. Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Wind Exploding Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/光炸裂弾
R-ATK Device / Light Exploding Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Light Exploding Bullets
4★ 射撃デバイス/闇炸裂弾
R-ATK Device / Dark Exploding Bullets
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
R-ATK / Dark Exploding Bullets
4★ 法撃デバイス/フォイエ
T-ATK Device / Foie
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
T-ATK / Foie
4★ 法撃デバイス/バータ
T-ATK Device / Barta
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
T-ATK / Barta
4★ 法撃デバイス/ゾンデ
T-ATK Device / Zonde
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
T-ATK / Zonde
4★ 法撃デバイス/ザン
T-ATK Device / Zan
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
T-ATK / Zan
4★ 法撃デバイス/グランツ
T-ATK Device / Grants
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
T-ATK / Grants
4★ 法撃デバイス/メギド
T-ATK Device / Megid
[Excube] x2 Changes your mag's auto action into:
T-ATK / Megid
6★ PBデバイス/ヘリクスP
PB Device / Helix P
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Helix Proi
6★ PBデバイス/ヘリクスI
PB Device / Helix I
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Helix Imera
6★ PBデバイス/ヘリクスN
PB Device / Helix N
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Helix Nykta
6★ PBデバイス/アイアスP
PB Device / Ajax P
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Ajax Proi
6★ PBデバイス/アイアスI
PB Device / Ajax I
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Ajax Imera
6★ PBデバイス/アイアスN
PB Device / Ajax N
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Ajax Nykta
6★ PBデバイス/ケートスP
PB Device / Ketos P
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Ketos Proi
6★ PBデバイス/ケートスI
PB Device / Ketos I
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Ketos Imera
6★ PBデバイス/ケートスN
PB Device / Ketos N
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Ketos Nykta
6★ PBデバイス/ユリウスP
PB Device / Julius P
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Julius Proi
6★ PBデバイス/ユリウスI
PB Device / Julius I
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Julius Imera
6★ PBデバイス/ユリウスN
PB Device / Julius N
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Julius Nykta
6★ PBデバイス/イリオスP
PB Device / Ilios P
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Ilios Proi.
6★ PBデバイス/イリオスI
PB Device / Ilios I
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Ilios Imera.
6★ PBデバイス/イリオスN
PB Device / Ilios N
[Excube] x8 Changes your mag's photon blast into:
Ilios Nykta.
6★ 強化成功率+30%
Grind Success Rate +30%
[Excube] x20 Used when grinding equipments.
Increase grind success rate by 30%
6★ 能力追加成功率+30%
Ability Success Rate +30%
[Excube] x20 Used when affixing abilities on equipments.
Increase success rate by 30%.
6★ クラフトエクスビルダー2
Craft Ex Builder 2
[Excube] x4 Crafting equipment for My Room.
Reduces the cooldown when extending equipments by 4%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Ex Builders.
6★ クラフトテックビルダー2
Craft Tech Builder 2
[Excube] x4 Crafting equipment for My Room.
Reduces the cooldown when customizing techniques by 4%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Tech Builders.
6★ クラフト時限ビルダー2
Craft Timed Builder 2
[Excube] x4 Crafting equipment for My Room. Reduces the cooldown when adding timed abilities by 4%.
※ Cannot be placed with other Craft Timed Builders.
5★ エクストリームパス
Extreme Pass
[Excube] x6 A required pass to participate in Extreme Quests.
6★ ラムダグラインダー
Lambda Grinder
[Excube] x50 Material used for enhancing weapon and armor units.
Enhancements allow you to increase an item's performance beyond its normal limit.

Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.