Welcome to Cirnopedia, a website that hopes to archive all information
about Cirno, the coolest, strongest and most intelligent fairy in Gensoukyou™.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Flandrepedia. Please call an ambulance before it's too late.
Your safety is not guaranteed when browsing this site, especially during midnight.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to discover and investigate the legality of having a harem in outerspace.
We might also have some info about the game Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a secret research facility under the supervision
of Fenrir Far East Division that aims to create a new world through Nova.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, an infested and corrupted facility under the rule
of our great and profound darkness where we research the cuteness of evil.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to investigate the morality of being faithful to even an eldritch space god.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.


Friend Partner


EN Name JP Name Effect
Brave 勇者気質 Character description only.
Poser 目立ちたがり Character description only.
Shy 引っ込み思案 Character description only.
Leadership リーダーシップ Character description only.
Clumsy ドジっこ Character description only.
Senior 先輩肌 Character description only.
Sickly 病弱 Character description only.
Daredevil 命知らず Character description only.
Innocent 天真爛漫 Character description only.
Spontaneous 天然 Character description only.
Intellectual 理知的 Character description only.


EN Name JP Name Effect
Morning Bird 朝型 More active during day time (6:00 to 18:00).
Night Owl 夜型 More active during night time (18:00 to 6:00).
Enjoys Sun 晴れ好き More active when the weather is sunny.
Enjoys Clouds 曇り好き More active when the weather is cloudy.
Jumbo Smasher 大型狙い Prioritizes attacking larger enemies.
Tiny Crusher 小型狙い Prioritizes attacking smaller enemies.
Braves Adversity 逆境好き More active when in critical condition.
Slow Starter スロースターター More active after some time have
passed since starting the mission.
Lonesome さびしがり屋 Prefers to be nearby party members.
Darker Exterminator ダーカー狙い Prioritizes attacking Darker-type enemies.
Native Killer 原生狙い Prioritizes attacking Native-type enemies.
Machine Scrapper メカ狙い Prioritizes attacking Mech-type enemies.
Dragon Slayer 龍族狙い Prioritizes attacking Dragon-type enemies.
Oceanid Killer 海王種狙い Prioritizes attacking Oceanid-type enemies.
Tsundere ツンデレ High chance to use Star Atomizers
or cast Resta when a party member
is in critical condition.


EN Name JP Name Effect
Healer 起死回生 Uses Star Atomizers or cast Resta
when a party member is injured.
Battle Ready 臨戦態勢 Automatically casts Shifta on
themselves when nearby enemies.
Guardian 徹底防御 Automatically casts Deband on
themselves when nearby enemies.
Fiery 激昂 Casts Shifta and Deband on themselves
when a party member is defeated.
Savior 復活支援 Low chance to use Moon Atomizers
when a party member is defeated.
Human Lover ヒューマン好き Regularly casts Shifta and Deband
when a human party member is nearby.
Cast Fanatic キャスト好き Regularly casts Shifta and Deband
when a cast party member is nearby.
Newman Lover ニューマン好き Regularly casts Shifta and Deband
when a newman party member is nearby.
Dewman Lover デューマン好き Regularly casts Shifta and Deband
when a deuman party member is nearby.
Prefers Men オトコ好き Regularly casts Shifta and Deband
when a male party member is nearby.
Prefers Women オンナ好き Regularly casts Shifta and Deband
when a female party member is nearby.
Condition Master コンディションマスター Randomly inflicts Burn I, Freeze I,
Panic I, Poison I, and Shock I.

Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.