Welcome to Cirnopedia, a website that hopes to archive all information
about Cirno, the coolest, strongest and most intelligent fairy in Gensoukyou™.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to discover and investigate the legality of having a harem in outerspace.
We might also have some info about the game Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a secret research facility under the supervision
of Fenrir Far East Division that aims to create a new world through Nova.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, an infested and corrupted facility under the rule
of our great and profound darkness where we research the cuteness of evil.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to investigate the morality of being faithful to even an eldritch space god.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.


Client Orders


Client Client Name Location Gender Race Class Character Voice Costume Information
Medical Center
(Gate Area)
Female Human Mai Nakahara Gender Pirate Complete [Our Joint Struggle] to receive her partner card.
Order Name Requirements Objective Reward Comments
How to Use a Katana!
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [Dagan Extermination: ForestDefeat [Any Enemy] x10
※ Katanas only.
Recommended [Subdue Fangulf
Meseta: 1,000
Experience: 500
Kanran-kikyou Lv.1
This order can only be completed once.
Special Katana Training!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [How to Use a Katana!Complete [Forest Exploration] x1
※ Katanas only.
Clear in under 25 minutes.
Meseta: 2,000
Experience: 2,000
This order can only be completed once.
More Katana Training!
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [Special Katana Training!Defeat [Vol Dragon] x1
※ Katanas only.
Meseta: 4,000
Experience: 4,000
This order can only be completed once.
Even More Katana Training!
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [More Katana Training!Defeat [Lillipa Mechs] x20
※ Katanas only.
Meseta: 6,000
Experience: 6,000
This order can only be completed once.
Good Luck With Katanas!
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [Even More Katana Training!Defeat [De Malmoth] x1
※ Katanas only.
Destroy De Malmoth's forehead.
Meseta: 9,000
Experience: 15,000
This order can only be completed once.
Superior Katana Training!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Even More Katana Training!
Complete [Free Exploration: Coast
Complete [Coast Exploration] x1
※ Katanas only. S rank clear.
Meseta: 8,000
Experience: 8,000
This order can only be completed once.
Bullet Bow Coaching!
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [Dagan Extermination: ForestDefeat [Any Enemy] x10
※ Bullet Bows only.
Recommend: [Subdue Fangulf
Meseta: 1,000
Experience: 500
Torrential Arrow Lv.1
This order can only be completed once.
Special Bullet Bow Training!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Bullet Bow Coaching!Complete [Forest Exploration] x1
※ Bullet Bows only.
Clear in 25 minutes.
Meseta: 2,000
Experience: 2,000
This order can only be completed once.
Intense Bullet Bow Training!
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [Special Bullet Bow Training!Defeat [Vol Dragon] x1
※ Bullet Bows only.
Meseta: 4,000
Experience: 4,000
This order can only be completed once.
Extreme Bullet Bow Training!
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [Intense Bullet Bow Training!Defeat [Lillipa Mechs] x20
※ Bullet Bows only.
Meseta: 6,000
Experience: 6,000
This order can only be completed once.
Good Luck With Bullet Bows!
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [Extreme Bullet Bow Training!Defeat [De Malmoth] x1
※ Bullet Bows only.
Destroy De Malmoth's front horn.
Meseta: 9,000
Experience: 15,000
This order can only be completed once.
Superior Bullet Bow Training!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Extreme Bullet Bow Training!
Complete [Free Exploration: Coast
Complete [Coast Exploration] x1
※ Bullet Bows only. S rank clear.
Meseta: 8,000
Experience: 8,000
This order can only be completed once.
Our Joint Struggle
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Superior Katana Training!
Complete [Subdue Caterdra'n] x1
※ Bravers only.
S Rank clear in 30 minutes.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Azanami's Partner Card
This order can only be completed once.
First-Class Braver
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Reach Braver Lv.30 Defeat [Rappy] x1
Defeat [Dark Ragne] x1
※ Bravers only. Defeat Lv.21+ enemies.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Braver Skill Points +5
This order can only be completed once.
The Perfect Braver
(Enemy Extermination Order)
Complete [First-Class Braver
Reach Braver Lv.45
Defeat [Big Vardha] x1
Defeat [Quartz Dragon] x1
Defeat [Fang Banther] x1
※ Bravers only. Defeat Lv.41+ enemies.
Meseta: 0
Experience: 0
Braver Skill Points +5
This order can only be completed once.
Training At the Sanctum!
(Quest Completion Order)
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Complete [Sanctum Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Super Hard or higher, with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,600
Experience: 20,000
Synthesizer x2
This order can only be completed once.
Training At the Coast!
(Quest Completion Order)
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Complete [Coast Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Super Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,500
Experience: 20,000
This order can only be completed once.
Training At the Seabed!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [Free Exploration: SeabedComplete [Seabed Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Very Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 14,500
This order can only be completed once.
A Forest Crash Course!
(Quest Completion Order)
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Complete [Forest Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Very Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 14,500
This order can only be completed once.
A Volcanic Crash Course!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [A Forest Crash Course!Complete [V. Cave Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Very Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 14,500
This order can only be completed once.
A Desert Crash Course!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [A Volcanic Crash Course!Complete [Desert Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Very Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 14,500
This order can only be completed once.
A Tundra Crash Course!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [A Desert Crash Course!Complete [Tundra Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Very Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 14,500
This order can only be completed once.
A Tunnels Crash Course!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [A Tundra Crash Course!Complete [Sub. Tunnels Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Very Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 14,500
This order can only be completed once.
A Continental Crash Course!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [A Tunnels Crash Course!Complete [Skyscape Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Very Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 14,500
This order can only be completed once.
A Ruins Crash Course!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [A Continental Crash Course!Complete [Ruins Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Very Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 14,500
This order can only be completed once.
A Shironian Crash Course!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [A Ruins Crash Course!Complete [Shironia Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Normal or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 13,500
This order can only be completed once.
A Facility Crash Course!
(Quest Completion Order)
Complete [A Shironian Crash Course!Complete [Facility Exploration] x1
※ Bravers only.
S rank clear on Hard or higher with Azanami.
Meseta: 1,200
Experience: 13,500
This order can only be completed once.
Show Me the Power of a Braver!
(Item Delivery Order)
Reach Braver Lv.25 Deliver [破損したダーカーコアd] x8
※ Defeat Lv.21+ Darkers with Katana & Bullet Bow.
Meseta: 1,000
Experience: 25,000
This order can only be completed once.

Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.