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about Cirno, the coolest, strongest and most intelligent fairy in Gensoukyou™.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to investigate the morality of being faithful to even an eldritch space god.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.


Matter Board 10

Board Matrix

Matter Investigations

Matter Information Objective Details
A-1 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Arm / Apbacudol b
by defeating Lv.41+ [Caterdra'nsa].
[Equipment] 5★ Unit: アーム/アプバキュドアb
[Abilities] Power II, Stamina II, Spirita II
A-2 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Dragonkin Ecological Survey - Area 1
[Event] 命令だからこそ
A-4 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Specimen Collection: Skyscape - Area 1
[Event] あいつと私の関係
A-5 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Pisastian
by defeating Lv.41+ [Set Sadinian].
[Equipment] 6★ Launcher: ヴィタピサスティアン
[Abilities] Shoot II, React III, Shot Resist I
A-6 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Subdue Caterdra'nsa - Area 1
[Event] テリオトーの元へ
B-2 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Twin Vulcan
by defeating Lv.41+ [Nordiransa].
[Equipment] 6★ T. Machinegun: Vita T. Vulcan
[Abilities] Shoot II, React III, Shot Resist I
B-3 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Gungnir
by defeating Lv.41+ [Sol Sadinian].
[Equipment] 6★ Partizan: ヴィタグングニル
[Abilities] Power II, Body III, Blow Resist I
B-4 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Calibur
by defeating Lv.41+ [Windira].
[Equipment] 6★ Sword: ヴィタキャリバー
[Abilities] Power II, Body III, Blow Resist I
B-6 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Double Gladius
by defeating Lv.41+ [Fordoransa].
[Equipment] 6★ D. Saber: Vita D. Gladius
[Abilities] Power II, Body III, Blow Resist I
C-1 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Hatchet
by defeating Lv.41+ [Digg].
[Equipment] 6★ Gunslash: ヴィタハチェット
[Abilities] Power II, Shoot II, Blow Resist I
C-2 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Cane
by defeating Lv.41+ [Sil Dinian].
[Equipment] 6★ Wand: ヴィタケイン
[Abilities] Technique II, Mind III, All Resist I
C-4 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Specimen Collection: Skyscape - Area 3
[Event] 始末屋失格
C-6 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Specimen Collection: Skyscape - Area 3
[Event] 最後のさよなら
D-1 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Crashelb
by defeating Lv.41+ [Sol Dinian].
[Equipment] 6★ Knuckles: ヴィタクラシェルブ
[Abilities] Power II, Body III, Blow Resist I
D-2 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Kartargot Annihilation - Area 3
[Event] 調査依頼おまかせあれ!
D-3 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Twin Edge
by defeating Lv.41+ [Fordoran].
[Equipment] 6★ T. Dagger: Vita T. Edge
[Abilities] Power II, Body III, Blow Resist I
D-6 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Brave Knuckle
by defeating Lv.41+ [Chrome Dragon].
[Equipment] 7★ Knuckle: ブレイブナックル
[Attribute] Dark: 35
[Abilities] Power III, Ability II, Stamina III
E-2 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Arch
by defeating Lv.41+ [Sol Dinian].
[Equipment] 6★ W. Lance: ヴィタアーチ
[Abilities] Power II, Body III, Blow Resist I
E-3 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Laser
by defeating Lv.41+ [Baridran].
[Equipment] 6★ Rifle: ヴィタレーザー
[Abilities] Shoot II, React III, Shot Resist I
E-4 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Kartargot Annihilation - Area 3
[Event] 依頼情報へいおまち!
E-5 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Fallounce
by defeating Lv.41+ [Sil Dinian].
[Equipment] 6★ Rod: ヴィタフォールオンス
[Abilities] Technique II, Mind III, All Resist I
F-1 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Leg / Legabacudol b
by defeating Lv.41+ [Caterdra'n].
[Equipment] 5★ Unit: レッグ/レグバキュドアb
[Abilities] Power II, Stamina II, Spirita II
F-2 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Subdue Caterdra'n - Area 1
[Event] 邪魔をしないでください
F-3 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Vita Diffuse
by defeating Lv.41+ [Dinian].
[Equipment] 6★ Talis: ヴィタディフューズ
[Abilities] Technique II, Mind III, All Resist I
F-5 Seek an Event Field Discover the Event Field found somewhere in the appropriate Quest, and watch its Event. [Location] Kartargot Annihilation - Area 1
[Event] あなたの噂を良く聞きます
F-6 Recover a Specific Item Obtain a [Rear / Shoulbacudol b
by defeating Lv.41+ [Vol Dragon].
[Equipment] 5★ Unit: リア/ショルバキュドアb
[Abilities] Power II, Stamina II, Spirita II

Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.