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about Cirno, the coolest, strongest and most intelligent fairy in Gensoukyou™.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
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Welcome to Cirnopedia, a secret research facility under the supervision
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We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.
Welcome to Cirnopedia, a small research facility under the supervision of Arks
that aims to investigate the morality of being faithful to even an eldritch space god.
We might also have some info about Phantasy Star Online 2™ ©SEGA.



Consumable Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
1★ モノメイト
Item Shop Recovery item provided by ARKS.
Restores HP when used.
※ Restores 30% HP.
2★ ディメイト
Item Shop Recovery item provided by ARKS.
Significantly restores HP when used.
※ Restores 60% HP.
3★ トリメイト
Item Shop Recovery item provided by ARKS.
Completely restores HP when used.
※ Restores 100% HP.
4★ ソルアトマイザー
Sol Atomizer
Item Shop A wide-ranged treatment for abnormal status.
Allows the user to cure the abnormal status of all nearby players.
※ Cures every player within a certain radius.
6★ ムーンアトマイザー
Moon Atomizer
Item Shop A wide-ranged revival medicine.
Allows the user to revive all nearby incapacitated players.
※ Revives every player within a certain radius with 50% HP.
5★ スターアトマイザー
Star Atomizer
Item Shop A wide-ranged recovery item.
Allows the user to heal all nearby players.
※ Restores 50% HP of every player within a certain radius.
6★ コスモアトマイザー
Cosmo Atomizer
AC Shop
A wide-ranged full recovery item.
Allows the user to heal all nearby players into perfect condition.
※ Revives, completely restores all HP and cures the abnormal status effects of every player within a certain radius.
5★ シフタライド
Item Shop A wide-ranged attack boosting item.
Allows the user to boost the attack of all neaby players.
※ Casts Shifta Lv.1 to every player within a certain radius.
5★ デバンライド
Item Shop A wide-ranged defense boosting item.
Allows the user to boost the defense of all neaby players.
※ Casts Deband Lv.1 to every player within a certain radius.

Boost Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
4★ 獲得経験値+10%
Experience Gained +10%
Title Reward Boost item that increases EXP gained by 10%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
4★ 獲得経験値+25%
Experience Gained +25%
Photon Shop
Boost item that increases EXP gained by 25%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
5★ 獲得経験値+50%
Experience Gained +50%
Net Cafe Shop
Badge Shop
Boost item that increases EXP gained by 50%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
5★ 獲得経験値+75%
Experience Gained +75%
Photon Shop
Boost item that increases EXP gained by 75%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ 獲得経験値+100%
Experience Gained +100%
AC Shop
Boost item that increases EXP gained by 100%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ 獲得経験値+150%
Experience Gained +150%
AC Shop
Boost item that increases EXP gained by 150%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
4★ レアドロップ倍率+10%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +10%
Net Cafe Shop Boost item that increases rare drop rate by 10%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
5★ レアドロップ倍率+50%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +50%
FUN Shop
Net Cafe Shop
Badge Shop
Boost item that increases rare drop rate by 50%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ レアドロップ倍率+75%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +75%
Campaign Reward Boost item that increases rare drop rate by 75%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ レアドロップ倍率+100%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +100%
AC Scratch Boost item that increases rare drop rate by 100%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ レアドロップ倍率+150%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +150%
AC Shop
Boost item that increases rare drop rate by 150%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ レアドロップ倍率+200%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +200%
AC Scratch Boost item that increases rare drop rate by 200%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ レアドロップ倍率+250%
Rare Drop Rate Boost +250%
FUN Shop
AC Scratch
Excube Shop
Boost item that increases rare drop rate by 250%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
4★ 獲得メセタ+10%
Meseta Gained +10%
FUN Scratch Boost item that increases meseta gained by 10%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
5★ 獲得メセタ+50%
Meseta Gained +50%
Net Cafe Shop
Badge Shop
Boost item that increases meseta gained by 50%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ 獲得メセタ+100%
Meseta Gained +100%
AC Scratch Boost item that increases meseta gained by 100%.
Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ トライブースト+50%
Tri Boost +50%
Title Reward
Challenge Mile Shop
Triple boost item that increases rare drop rate, meseta, and EXP
gained by 50%. Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
6★ トライブースト+100%
Tri Boost +100%
Title Reward
Challenge Mile Shop
Campaign Reward
Triple boost item that increases rare drop rate, meseta, and EXP
gained by 100%. Duration lasts for 30 minutes on the field.
5★ ショートケーキ
Naura's Cake Shop Classic recipe baked by the three Naura sisters.
Special strawberry shortcake that increases vigor once eaten.
※ Increase S-ATK +30, PP +3. 30 minutes duration.
5★ チーズケーキ
Naura's Cake Shop Classic recipe baked by the three Naura sisters.
Special creamy cheesecake that increases vigor once eaten.
※ Increase R-ATK +30, PP +3. 30 minutes duration.
5★ フルーツタルト
Fruit Tart
Naura's Cake Shop Classic recipe baked by the three Naura sisters.
Special seasonal fruit tart that increases vigor once eaten.
※ Increase T-ATK +30, PP +3. 30 minutes duration.
5★ パンプキンパイ
Pumpkin Pie
Naura's Cake Shop
(Halloween Event Only)
Seasonal product baked by the three Naura sisters.
Special sweet pumpkin pie that increases vigor once eaten.
※ Increase S-DEF/R-DEF/T-DEF +30, HP +20. 30 minutes duration.
5★ クリスマスケーキ
Christmas Cake
Naura's Cake Shop
(Christmas Event Only)
Seasonal product baked by the three Naura sisters.
Special luxurious christmas cake that increases vigor once eaten.
※ Increase HP +30, DEX +30. 30 minutes duration.
5★ バレンタインチョコ
Valentines Cake
Naura's Cake Shop
(Valentines Event Only)
Seasonal product baked by the three Naura sisters.
Special heart-shaped choco cake that increases vigor once eaten.
※ Increase HP +30, PP +3. 30 minutes duration.
5★ トロピカルフラッペ
Tropical Frappe
Naura's Cake Shop
(Summer Event Only)
Regional product baked by the three Naura sisters.
Special creamy cheesecake that increases vigor once eaten.
※ Increase S-ATK/R-ATK/T-ATK +20, PP +3. 10 minutes duration.
5★ 3周年記念ドーナッツ
3rd Anniversary Donut
3rd Anniversary Shop ※ Similar effect to Tri Boost +50%. 5 minutes duration.
5★ 3周年記念ワッフル
3rd Anniversary Waffle
3rd Anniversary Shop ※ Increase S-ATK/R-ATK/T-ATK +100. 5 minutes duration.
5★ 3周年記念マカロン
3rd Anniversary Macarons
3rd Anniversary Shop ※ Increase HP +200. 5 minutes duration.
5★ 3周年記念チュロス
3rd Anniversary Churros
3rd Anniversary Shop ※ Increase PP +10. 5 minutes duration.

Tool Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
3★ テレパイプ
Item Shop A simple portable transfer device.
Generates a portal to the campship when used.
※ Can be accessed by all party members.
1★ アッパートラップ
Upper Trap
Item Shop A trap with a timer used by Rangers.
Launches trapped enemies upward while inflicting damage.
※ Explodes and launches enemies upward 3 times.
2★ ポイズントラップ
Poison Trap
Item Shop A trap with a timer used by Rangers.
Launches trapped targets upward while inflicting damage.
※ Chance of inflictiing poison depends on the enemy's resistance.
3★ スタングレネード
Stun Grenade
Item Shop A grenade for Rangers that explodes on impact.
The explosion inflicts stun status effect along with damage.
※ Explosion range is similar to launchers.
Probability of inflicting stun is based on skill level.
5★ ハーフドール
Login Stamp
Reward Item
Self revival item that activates automatically.
Can only be used when the player is incapacitated.
Restores half of the user's strength.
※ Revives the player with 50% HP.
6★ スケープドール
AC Shop
Self revival item that activates automatically.
Can only be used when the player is incapacitated.
※ Revives the player with 100% HP.

Enhancement Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
6★ グラインダー
FUN Scratch
Recycle Shop
Material used for enhancing weapon and armor units.
Enhancements allow you to increase an item's performance beyond its normal limit.
6★ ラムダグラインダー
Lambda Grinder
Excube Shop
Emblem Shop
Challenge Mile Shop
Material used for enhancing weapon and armor units.
Enhancements allow you to increase an item's performance beyond its normal limit.
5★ 強化成功率+5%
Grind Success Rate +5%
FUN Scratch Increase the success rate by 5% when grinding equipments.
5★ 強化成功率+10%
Grind Success Rate +10%
AC Scratch Increase the success rate by 10% when grinding equipments.
5★ 強化成功率+20%
Grind Success Rate +20%
Recycle Shop
Increase the success rate by 20% when grinding equipments.
6★ 強化成功率+30%
Grind Success Rate +30%
Excube Shop
Increase the success rate by 30% when grinding equipments.
6★ 強化成功率+100%
Grind Success Rate +100%
Compensation Reward Enhancement support item for grinding equipments.
Ensures that the enhancement will succeed no matter what.
5★ 強化スキップ(→7)
Grind Skip (→7)
Recycle Shop
Can only be used on an item with +6 or below.
Allows you to grind to +7 instantly.
5★ 強化リスク軽減(+1)
Grind Risk Reduction (+1)
FUN Scratch Reduces the risk from failing a grind by 1.
5★ 強化リスク軽減(+2)
Grind Risk Reduction (+2)
Challenge Mile Shop
Campaign Reward
Reduces the risk from failing a grind by 2.
5★ 強化リスク軽減(完全)
Grind Risk Reduction (Full)
AC Scratch Completely removes any risk from failing a grind.
6★ シンセサイザー
Common Drop Materials for synthesizing attributes.
5★ 属性強化+5%
Attribute Enhance +5%
AC Scratch Adds an additional +5 to the total value when
synthesizing attributes.
5★ 属性強化+10%
Attribute Enhance +10%
AC Scratch Adds an additional +10 to the total value when
synthesizing attributes.
5★ 属性変化(炎属性)
Attribute Change (Fire)
AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Fire when
synthesizing attributes.
5★ 属性変化(氷属性)
Attribute Change (Ice)
AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Ice when
synthesizing attributes.
5★ 属性変化(雷属性)
Attribute Change (Lightning)
AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Lightning when
synthesizing attributes.
5★ 属性変化(風属性)
Attribute Change (Wind)
AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Wind when
synthesizing attributes.
5★ 属性変化(光属性)
Attribute Change (Light)
AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Light when
synthesizing attributes.
5★ 属性変化(闇属性)
Attribute Change (Dark)
AC Scratch Changes the weapon's attribute to Dark when
synthesizing attributes.
5★ 能力追加成功率+5%
Ability Success Rate +5%
FUN Scratch Increase the success rate by 5% when adding abilities.
5★ 能力追加成功率+10%
Ability Success Rate +10%
AC Scratch
Grinding Reward
Increase the success rate by 10% when adding abilities.
5★ 能力追加成功率+20%
Ability Success Rate +20%
Recycle Shop
Increase the success rate by 20% when adding abilities.
6★ 能力追加成功率+30%
Ability Success Rate +30%
Excube Shop
Increase the success rate by 30% when adding abilities.
7★ 特殊能力追加(打撃)
Add Special Ability (S-ATK)
AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds "Power Boost " with S-ATK +25 as an effect.
7★ 特殊能力追加(射撃)
Add Special Ability (R-ATK)
AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds "Shoot Boost " with R-ATK +25 as an effect.
7★ 特殊能力追加(法撃)
Add Special Ability (T-ATK)
AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds "Technique Boost " with T-ATK +25 as an effect.
7★ 特殊能力追加(HP)
Add Special Ability (HP)
AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds "Stamina Boost " with HP +45 as an effect.
7★ 特殊能力追加(PP)
Add Special Ability (PP)
AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds "Spirita Boost " with PP +5 as an effect.
7★ 特殊能力追加(打撃&PP)
Add Special Ability (S-ATK & PP)
AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds "Noble Power " with S-ATK +30 and PP +3 as an effect.
7★ 特殊能力追加(射撃&PP)
Add Special Ability (R-ATK & PP)
AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds "Noble Shoot " with R-ATK +30 and PP +3 as an effect.
7★ 特殊能力追加(法撃&PP)
Add Special Ability (T-ATK & PP)
AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds "Noble Technique " with T-ATK +30 and PP +3 as an effect.
7★ 特殊能力追加(HP&PP)
Add Special Ability (HP & PP)
AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds "Noble Stamina " with HP +50 and PP +3 as an effect.
5★ 装備条件緩和+10%
Relax Equip Condition +10%
FUN Scratch Decreases the required stat of the extended equipment by 10%.
5★ 装備条件緩和+20%
Relax Equip Condition +20%
Recycle Shop Decreases the required stat of the extended equipment by 20%.
5★ 装備条件緩和+30%
Relax Equip Condition +30%
Title Reward
Challenge Mile Shop
Decreases the required stat of the extended equipment by 30%.
5★ 装備条件変更(打撃)
Equip Condition Swap (S-ATK)
Casino Prize Shop Swaps the equipping requirement of the extended item.
5★ 装備条件変更(射撃)
Equip Condition Swap (R-ATK)
Casino Prize Shop Swaps the equipping requirement of the extended item.
5★ 装備条件変更(法撃)
Equip Condition Swap (T-ATK)
Casino Prize Shop Swaps the equipping requirement of the extended item.
5★ 装備条件変更(技量)
Equip Condition Swap (DEX)
Casino Prize Shop Swaps the equipping requirement of the extended item.
5★ 装備条件変更(打撃防御)
Equip Condition Swap (S-DEF)
Casino Prize Shop Swaps the equipping requirement of the extended item.
5★ 装備条件変更(射撃防御)
Equip Condition Swap (R-DEF)
Casino Prize Shop Swaps the equipping requirement of the extended item.
5★ 装備条件変更(法撃防御)
Equip Condition Swap (T-DEF)
Casino Prize Shop Swaps the equipping requirement of the extended item.
5★ メリット値+10%
Merit Value +10%
FUN Scratch Increases the merit value by 10% when customizing techniques.
5★ メリット値+20%
Merit Value +20%
Recycle Shop Increases the merit value by 20% when customizing techniques.
5★ メリット値+30%
Merit Value +30%
Emblem Exchange Shop
Challenge Mile Shop
Increases the merit value by 30% when customizing techniques.
5★ デメリット値-10%
Demerit Value -10%
FUN Scratch Decreases the demerit value by 10% when customizing techniques.
5★ デメリット値-20%
Demerit Value -20%
Recycle Shop Decreases the demerit value by 20% when customizing techniques.
5★ デメリット値-30%
Demerit Value -30%
Emblem Exchange Shop
Challenge Mile Shop
Decreases the demerit value by 30% when customizing techniques.
5★ メイン効果(固定)
Main Effect (Fixed)
Crafting Title Reward The selected main effect will always succeed when installing timed abilities.
5★ 効果時間延長+7日
Timed Effect Extension +7 Days
Crafting Title Reward Extends the effect duration by 7 days when installing timed abilities.
5★ リリパリウム(極小)
Liliparium (Mini)
FUN Scratch Reduces the cooldown of a Craft Line by 15 minutes.
5★ リリパリウム(小)
Liliparium (Small)
Campaign Reward Reduces the cooldown of a Craft Line by 30 minutes.
5★ リリパリウム(極大)
Liliparium (Max)
AC Shop Reduces the cooldown of a Craft Line by 12 hours.
5★ リリパリウムフルチャージ
Liliparium Full Charge
Title Reward Reduces the cooldown of all Craft Lines to zero.
7★ クラス追加(ハンター)
Add Class (Hunter)
AC Scratch Adds Hunter to the classes that can equip the extended item.
7★ クラス追加(レンジャー)
Add Class (Ranger)
AC Scratch Adds Ranger to the classes that can equip the extended item.
7★ クラス追加(フォース)
Add Class (Force)
AC Scratch Adds Force to the classes that can equip the extended item.
7★ クラス追加(ファイター)
Add Class (Fighter)
AC Scratch Adds Fighter to the classes that can equip the extended item.
7★ クラス追加(ガンナー)
Add Class (Gunner)
AC Scratch Adds Gunner to the classes that can equip the extended item.
7★ クラス追加(テクター)
Add Class (Techer)
AC Scratch Adds Techer to the classes that can equip the extended item.
7★ クラス追加(ブレイバー)
Add Class (Braver)
AC Scratch Adds Braver to the classes that can equip the extended item.
7★ クラス追加(バウンサー)
Add Class (Bouncer)
AC Scratch Adds Bouncer to the classes that can equip the extended item.

Special Passes

Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
5★ エステ利用パス
Salon Pass
AC Shop Allows you to modify AC restricted options at the Esthe Shop.
5★ カラーチェンジパス
Color Change Pass
Recycle Shop
Recolors your character at the Esthe Shop.
5★ 全スキルツリー初期化パス
All Skill Tree Reset Pass
Compensation Reward Resets all your skills back into Skill Points.
※ 1 will be distributed to your special storage for each
character on your account when the Skill Tree is updated.
5★ ★10武器購入パス
★10 Weapon Exchange Pass
Recycle Shop
Ticket required to purchase a 10★ weapon from the player shops.
5★ ★11武器購入パス
★11 Weapon Exchange Pass
Recycle Shop
Ticket required to purchase an 11★ weapon from the player shops.
5★ ★10ユニット交換パス
★10 Unit Exchange Pass
Recycle Shop
Ticket required to purchase a 10★ unit from the player shops.
5★ エクストリームパス
Extreme Pass
Extreme Administrator
A required pass to participate in Extreme Quests.
※ You can receive one every 22 hours.
5★ カジノコインパス
Casino Coin Pass
Daily Login Bonus Use this at the Pass Exchanger to receive coins.

Trade Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
6★ エクスキューブ
Level Cap Bonus
Recycle Shop
Special crystal rewarded to those who seek more power.
Materials for trading.
4★ フォトンドロップ
Photon Drop
Emergency Code
Shard of crystalized photon.
Solidified photons used as materials for trading.
5★ フォトンクリスタル
Photon Crystal
FUN Scratch
Photon Shop
ARKS Impostor
Crystalized photon.
Solidified photons used as materials for trading.
6★ フォトンスフィア
Photon Sphere
Recycle Shop
Photon Shop
ARKS Impostor
Large crystalized photon.
Solidified photons used as materials for trading.
5★ アークスバッヂ青
Blue ARKS Badge
Friend Invitation
Reward Item
Blue badge with the ARKS logo engraved.
Rewarded to those who achieved a special condition.
5★ アークスバッヂ黄
Yellow ARKS Badge
PSO2 Vita Special Package
Item Code
Yellow badge with the ARKS logo engraved.
Rewarded to those who achieved a special condition.
5★ アークスバッヂ橙
Orange ARKS Badge
Compensation Reward Orange badge with the ARKS logo engraved.
Rewarded to those who achieved a special condition.
5★ アークスバッヂ緑
Green ARKS Badge
PSO2 EP2 Deluxe Package
Item Code
Green badge with the ARKS logo engraved.
Rewarded to those who achieved a special condition.
6★ 虹輝石イリティスタ
Iritista Rainbow Pyroxene
Dark Falz Elder (Lv.20+) Mysterious stones imbued with the power of rainbows.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 風輝石ヴァーユ
Vayu Wind Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of strong winds.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 炎輝石アグニ
Agni Fire Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of intense fire.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 地輝石プリティヴィー
Prithvi Earth Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of the earth.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 雷輝石インドラ
Indra Thunder Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Subterranean Tunnels
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of thunderstorms.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 雪輝石ヒマーラヤ
Himalaya Snow Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of the icy snow.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 天輝石ブラフマー
Brahma Sky Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of the blue sky.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 元輝石イシャーナ
Ishana Source Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Urban Sector
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of elements.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 滅輝石ニルティリー
Nirrti Ruin Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of destruction.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 霊輝石ヤーマ
Yama Soul Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Dragon Sanctum
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of light.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 水輝石ヴァルナ
Varuna Water Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of water.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 宝輝石サラスヴァティ
Sarasvati Wealth Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of wealth.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 海輝石アプサラス
Apsaras Sea Pyroxene
Advance Quest (VH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of the sea.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大風輝石ヴァーユ
Large Vayu Wind Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of strong winds.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大炎輝石アグニ
Large Agni Fire Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of intense fire.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大地輝石プリティヴィー
Large Prithvi Earth Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of the earth.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大雷輝石インドラ
Large Indra Thunder Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Subterranean Tunnels
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of thunderstorms.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大雪輝石ヒマーラヤ
Large Himalaya Snow Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of the icy snow.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大天輝石ブラフマー
Large Brahma Sky Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of the blue sky.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大元輝石イシャーナ
Large Ishana Source Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Urban Sector
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of elements.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大滅輝石ニルティリー
Large Nirrti Ruin Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of destruction.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大霊輝石ヤーマ
Large Yama Soul Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Dragon Sanctum
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of light.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大水輝石ヴァルナ
Large Varuna Water Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of water.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大宝輝石サラスヴァティ
Large Sarasvati Wealth Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of wealth.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ 大海輝石アプサラス
Large Apsaras Sea Pyroxene
Advance Quest (SH+)
Mysterious stones imbued with the power of the sea.
Can be traded for weapons.
6★ ハートキーの欠片
Heart Key Fragment
Extreme Quest:
Glacial Machinery
Fragment of a spellstone.
Contains some power but useless in its current state.
6★ ブラッディムーンの欠片
Bloody Moon Fragment
Extreme Quest:
Sylvan Wyverns
Fragment of a spellstone.
Contains some power but useless in its current state.
6★ ファントムナイトの欠片
Phantom Night Fragment
Extreme Quest:
Forsaken Aquatics
Fragment of a spellstone.
Contains some power but useless in its current state.
6★ ハートキーの原石
Heart Key Ore
Rare Stone Shop Collection of spellstone fragments combined together.
Can be traded for a Heart Key spellstone or an armor unit.
6★ ブラッディムーンの原石
Bloody Moon Ore
Rare Stone Shop Collection of spellstone fragments combined together.
Can be traded for a Bloody Moon spellstone or an armor unit.
6★ ファントムナイトの原石
Phantom Night Ore
Rare Stone Shop Collection of spellstone fragments combined together.
Can be traded for a Phantom Night spellstone or an armor unit.
6★ 魔石ハートキー
Heart Key Spellstone
Rare Stone Shop Spellstone with a scarlet glow.
Can be traded for a weapon.
6★ 魔石ブラッディムーン
Bloody Moon Spellstone
Rare Stone Shop Spellstone with a crimson glow.
Can be traded for a weapon.
6★ 魔石ファントムナイト
Phantom Night Spellstone
Rare Stone Shop Spellstone with a cerulean glow.
Can be traded for a weapon.
6★ ハートキー触媒
Heart Key Catalyst
Extreme Quest:
Glacial Machinery
Catalyst for converting other spellstones into Heart Key.
6★ ブラッディムーン触媒
Bloody Moon Catalyst
Extreme Quest:
Sylvan Wyverns
Catalyst for converting other spellstones into Bloody Moon.
6★ ファントムナイト触媒
Phantom Night Catalyst
Extreme Quest:
Forsaken Aquatics
Catalyst for converting other spellstones into Phantom Night.
6★ アドバンスカプセルa
Advance Capsule a
Item Shop
Advance Quest (VH)
Requirement to start Advance Quests.
6★ アドバンスカプセルb
Advance Capsule b
Item Shop
Advance Quest (VH)
Requirement to start Advance Quests.
6★ アドバンスカプセルc
Advance Capsule c
Item Shop
Advance Quest (VH)
Requirement to start Advance Quests.
6★ アドバンスカプセルd
Advance Capsule d
Advance Quest (SH) Requirement to start Advance Quests.
6★ アドバンスカプセルe
Advance Capsule e
Advance Quest (SH) Requirement to start Advance Quests.
6★ アドバンスカプセルf
Advance Capsule f
Advance Quest (SH) Requirement to start Advance Quests.
5★ 職人の印
Craftsman's Seal
Client Order Reward
from Zieg
An emblem received from Zieg.
Can be exchanged for valuable materials.
5★ 名工の標
Master Craftsman's Seal
Client Order Reward
from Zieg
An emblem received from Zieg.
Can be exchanged for very rare items.
5★ 刀匠の証
Swordsmith's Emblem
Client Order Reward
from Zieg
An emblem received from Zieg.
Allows you to take a request from Zieg.
8★ ウェポンズバッヂ2015金
Weapon Badge 2015 Gold
Winged Border Breaker
3rd Anniversary Shop
8★ ウェポンズバッヂ2015銀
Weapon Badge 2015 Silver
Winged Border Breaker
3rd Anniversary Shop
8★ ウェポンズバッヂ2015銅
Weapon Badge 2015 Bronze
Winged Border Breaker

Rare Enemy Trigger

Rarity Icon Image Name Information Description
7★ バドゥールトリガー
Cassado Badool Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger a Cassado Badool to spawn on Ascended Facility Exploration.
7★ バンサ・オラントリガー
Bantha Oran Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger a Bantha Oran to spawn on Tundra Exploration.
7★ バーン・ドラールトリガー
Burn Draal Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger a Burn Draal to spawn on Volcanic Cave Exploration.
7★ エンブリオトリガー
Embryo Vardha Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger an Embryo Vardha to spawn on Quarry Exploration.
7★ マギサトリガー
Magisa Meduna Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger a Magisa Meduna to spawn on Seabed Exploration.
7★ ギンナガムトリガー
Gunne Ginna-gam Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger a Gunne Ginna-gam to spawn on Shironia Exploration.
7★ マリダールトリガー
Nove Mallidarl Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger a Nove Mallidarl to spawn on Seabed, Coast, Quarry or Ascended Facility Exploration.
7★ ログベルトトリガー
Rogbelt Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger a Rogbelt to spawn on Forest or Ruins Exploration.
7★ クリス・ドラールトリガー
Crys Draal Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger a Crys Draal to spawn on Skyscape Exploration.
7★ トランゼクシアトリガー
Tranzexia Trigger
Casino Prize Shop This item will trigger a Tranzexia to spawn on Desert or Subterranean Tunnels Exploration.

Phantasy Star Online 2 © SEGA | Cirnopedia © Lord Phrozen | All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Thanks to Bumped, PSUMods, PSO2 SWiki, PSO-World, ARKS Layer, EDF, DDR, Outer Haven and to all our contributors.